"The irony with Runescape is that it demands it's players to follow an isolated path of training to participate in group events. Clan Killjoy is the bridge for that gap; bringing players together when the game demands you walk alone." -Killjoy Founders, 2006.
When we founded
Clan Killjoy
, Runescape was a completely different animal. The combat system forced it's players to play alone due to it's per-hit XP award system and it's "51% DMG" drops award system. This meant when fighting in groups, only a single player would receive experience or loot, and sometimes both. This severely limited what a player could do, and somewhat defeated the purpose of a Massive Multiplayer Online video game; since all you could do was compete against other players instead of cooperate.
Runescape has come a long ways with the introduction of the Lootshare and Coinshare systems, it's redux of the XP/drop award systems as well. Even added content is more group oriented, especially with the recent introduction of Raids and group fight bosses. All of this was a much needed breathe of fresh air.
While things may not be as lonely as they once were, you'll still often find yourself forced to fight alone when performing tasks like Slayer, skilling, and some bosses. If you're like us, then you play the game to play with others and that's where
Clan Killjoy
comes in.
Our clan organization system is specifically engineered to bring players together based upon their combat and Slayer levels. No longer do you have to scour the forums or offsite webpages to find people to do group slaying or bossing with. Everyone who joins is immediately assigned to a team of like-leveled players. Join an age-old community where players can finally play together. Join
Clan Killjoy
Playing for 10 years! Former PVP and Clan Wars legend. Add me in-game if you ever need some advice.
17-Jan-2016 20:37:42
- Last edited on
17-Jan-2016 21:04:37
X Kipper
was founded in 2006 by Chamber140jr and X Kipper in an attempt to create a friendly and active environment for like-minded players in Runescape. It was widely successful after building a strong reputation within free-to-play clan wars for being not only surprisingly powerful, but for being uncharacteristically friendly as well.
After developing a strong and dedicated player-base,
Clan Killjoy
branched out into other aspects of RS, where its players soon found its love for group monster slaying and bossing. Sadly, in 2011
Clan Killjoy
faced leadership issues due to changing life situations for the founders and several of its original members. Instead of leaving behind a massive power vacuum, the decision was made to disband.
Starting mid-year of 2015, it’s founders, Chamber140jr and X Kipper, were reintroduced to
RS after spending the past several years away from it. The decision was soon after made to revive
Clan Killjoy
after several original clansmen expressed interest. On Christmas Eve 2015,
Clan Killjoy
was once again reactivated; crowning its first member of a new generation of clansmen with the induction of Xx Akame xX.
The reputation of what once was
Clan Killjoy
has taken its first steps towards rising from the ashes and ascending to the prestige that its name once held.
Playing for 10 years! Former PVP and Clan Wars legend. Add me in-game if you ever need some advice.
is as easy as ever! We do not have a level min/max to enter. We only ask that players who would like to join are active in our community and keep things positive by following our brief rules:
1. No harassment.
2. Keep foul language to a minimum.
3. NEVER do wrong by a fellow clansmen.
4. Be fair and polite to everyone you meet.
5. Don’t stoop to someone else’s level. You’ve already won.
6. Never stop reaching for success.
7. Motivate your fellow clansmen.
8. Leaders WILL cap at the Citadel every week.
These rules aren't so much rules, as they are guidelines for the type of players we are looking for to join
Clan Killjoy
. If you are still interested, join our Clan Chat Channel as a guest: "
". (The 'O' at the end is a zero!)
Once in our chat channel, all you have to do is ask an officer to be admitted and voila! You're an official member of
Clan Killjoy
. Furthermore, once you've been accepted into the clan as a Private, getting promoted to Corporal is as simple as either spending one week in the clan with us, OR applying officially here on our clan forum and liking our up and coming
Clan Killjoy
FB page!
We have lots of leadership positions still available within the clan. Anything from event organisers to team leaders! Just be sure that if you are interested, you make it well known to any
Clan Killjoy
Playing for 10 years! Former PVP and Clan Wars legend. Add me in-game if you ever need some advice.
We are always bossing on the weekends some of are members are very active. Been going to god wars 2 a lot lately myself. If you are curious just join the clan chat and check us out we are still a small clan so not many people are always on during week days weekends we are on a lot have a great day!
We are still active small clan but we are all friendly and love bossing slayer and do it every weekend or every few weekends since we all live outside of rs as well come say hi and see what we are all about
Small clan there is about 10-15 active players right now mostly play between 1900-0300 in game time. we help with reaper task and what not come check us out! week do bossing every other weekend like gw2 what not all levels welcome!
We are still an active but very small clan typically only about 5-10 of us play and its spread out in different time zones we do a'lot of reaper task and slayer the best people to talk to about joining if interested is Chamber140jr "me" and Mr Shadow05 we are a good small group of players we sometimes do boss runs and what not. Come check us out are clan is Killj0y with a zero not a o.