First off - hello! My name is Nomad Steev -- or just Steev for short. Once upon a time, I was incredibly active on this section of the forums. Up until 2012, I participated in a handful of Recruitment Specialist guilds for nearly three years! The old Kingdom of Varrock, White Knights, Black Knights -- all of them !
In 2012, I was introduced to the role-playing in-game section of the forums and with it: role-play. For a while, I had always thought: "man, those kids are weird."
Then I realized - we've all been playing a Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game for years! So, basically, I'd like to invite you to our server (42) and our section of the forums. Take a look and see if any of it seems to click with you. Our plan is to grow our community and to create a story-line that
can get on-board with. Truthfully, we're making this game
more attractive
to new players.
I'm going to list a few common questions and let you decide whether or not to proceed. I'll post a link to our forum aswell.
How does it work?
It's a turn based system with several players inputting actions for their characters in the form of:
*John walks across the pub to purchase his ale. On the way there, he would notice Conor glaring at him.*
How is it ran?
Over several years we have accumulated Player Owned Kingdoms, Player Owned Cities (Characters lead), Role-Play Hubs (NPCs lead), independent groups (character or npc led) and free-lance (you do your own thing, bounce between areas and get the most RP posisble.)
What's it like to role-play?
For me, atleast, it was a smack in the face. You get to build a new life, a new character; albeit an elf, vampire, human, dwarf or whatever have you -- a warrior, an archer, a mage or whatever have you.[/b]
I ran out of room for a link and I don't want to take up a separate post. Message me in game if you're interested in learning more, or find our section of the forums!
25-May-2017 01:34:38