Welcome i'm Dan and im a part of a PvM Non elitist, non toxic Teaching clan!!
I have recently set-up a new Discord server and FC called Mass247
This FC/Discord is for anyone who is looking to mass any boss that is massable
From GWD1 all the way up to Angel of Death & Vorago!
0kc are more than welcome during my masses, I do not allow PKing, however i may host MEME Masses where there will be PKing but you DO NOT have to take part in these and they will be announced prior to events starting!
Discord Link https://discord.gg/2SkYMFY
FC : Mass247
1. Set your Discord display name (nickname) to your RS username. Right-click your username anywhere in Discord and click “Change Nickname”.
2. No use of aids/cancer/downs/autistic as insults or pejoratives to describe people or things.
3. NO SUICIDE-RELATED “JOKES”. kms/kys/drink bleach/etc. any kind of self-harm jokes. An occasional mistake or slip-up is forgivable, but repeated behavior = kicked.
4. Considerate behavior required in discord. Use headphones and/or push-to-talk. “Ear rape” is instant kick and ban. Don’t talk over people during teaching/learning sessions or when teammates need to communicate.
5. Be courteous, civil, and considerate.
6. No arranging or encouraging anything against Jagex rules. (Examples: “What’s the best OSRS bot?” or “Which site pays the most for my RS3 gold?” or “Can someone do warden on my account?”)
7. If you are a boss learner and want to go on a team, tell the host that you’re a learner BEFORE asking for an invite.
8. Goofing off, banter, friendly jabs at friends are welcome. Toxicity, condescending bullshit, hostility, and harassment are not allowed
Ranking system will be posted shortly
I have recently set-up a new Discord server and FC called Mass247
This FC/Discord is for anyone who is looking to mass any boss that is massable
From GWD1 all the way up to Angel of Death & Vorago!
0kc are more than welcome during my masses, I do not allow PKing, however i may host MEME Masses where there will be PKing but you DO NOT have to take part in these and they will be announced prior to events starting!
Discord Link https://discord.gg/2SkYMFY
FC : Mass247
SPLIT RULES: Team host will decide if drops are lootshare, free-for-all, or split
1. Set your Discord display name (nickname) to your RS username. Right-click your username anywhere in Discord and click “Change Nickname”.
2. No use of aids/cancer/downs/autistic as insults or pejoratives to describe people or things.
3. NO SUICIDE-RELATED “JOKES”. kms/kys/drink bleach/etc. any kind of self-harm jokes. An occasional mistake or slip-up is forgivable, but repeated behavior = kicked.
4. Considerate behavior required in discord. Use headphones and/or push-to-talk. “Ear rape” is instant kick and ban. Don’t talk over people during teaching/learning sessions or when teammates need to communicate.
5. Be courteous, civil, and considerate.
6. No arranging or encouraging anything against Jagex rules. (Examples: “What’s the best OSRS bot?” or “Which site pays the most for my RS3 gold?” or “Can someone do warden on my account?”)
7. If you are a boss learner and want to go on a team, tell the host that you’re a learner BEFORE asking for an invite.
8. Goofing off, banter, friendly jabs at friends are welcome. Toxicity, condescending bullshit, hostility, and harassment are not allowed
Ranking system will be posted shortly

Owner of Mass247 FC
Coordinator of Cursed-Combatants Clan!
31-Dec-2017 00:25:17