
Bomb Tanks V2 PvM

Quick find code: 92-93-126-66096513

Storm Thief

Storm Thief

Posts: 1,655 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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Welcome to
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Bomb Tanks v2
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Non-Toxic PvM
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Bomb Tanks v2
is a Non-Toxic, Non-Elitist, Learner-Friendly, and Expert-Friendly PvM Clan in RuneScape

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Our goal is to provide a relaxed and supportive place to
Learn and PvM
with each other and others that are apart of our community. We want everyone to enjoy all the bossing content in the game without the toxic environment that some people associate with PvM.

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If you want to be part of our community, you want to have exciting moments bossing learning and/or teaching, and you want to be part of the change we want to make in the PvM world, then we invite you to join us.
Our Home World is 98

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If you have any questions you would like to ask about the clan, feel free to join the clan chat as a guest. We will be there to help you out as much as we can.

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Post 1
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20-Apr-2019 10:33:00 - Last edited on 20-Apr-2019 11:28:01 by Storm Thief

Storm Thief

Storm Thief

Posts: 1,655 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

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Table of Contents

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Post 1
-- Intro --
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Post 2
-- Table of Contents --
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Post 3
-- Requirements --
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Post 4
-- Clan Rules --
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Post 5
-- Reasons to Join --
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Post 6
-- Ranking System. --
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Post 7
-- Discord --
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Post 8
-- How to Join --
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Post 9
-- Acceptance/Denial --
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Post 10
-- Reserved --
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Post 11
-- Reserved --
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Post 12
-- Reserved --
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Post 13
-- You May Now Post --

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Post 2
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20-Apr-2019 10:33:08 - Last edited on 20-Apr-2019 11:10:06 by Storm Thief

Storm Thief

Storm Thief

Posts: 1,655 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

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Our requirements:

- 130+ combat
- Tier 90+ Magic
Ranged weapons (Main-hand and Off-hand t90 if dual wield weapons)
- Tier 80+ Magic
Ranged / augmented
- 96 Herblore
- 95 Prayer and Ancient Curses Unlocked
- 89 Invention
- 87 Summoning

-Examples of Standard Gear
everything is needed to join
what was stated above

- Membership (not free-to-play)
- Be coach-able and open to feedback.
- Be willing to improve your skills, knowledge, stats and gear (not just here to leech kills)
- Access to Discord! Learners have to be on voice chat to
to calls (don’t have to talk). Also the majority of our boss teams are formed in Discord, so you don’t want to miss out on invites to teams!
- Learners must use discord during a teaching session if requested by teacher/host

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Post 3
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20-Apr-2019 10:33:14 - Last edited on 20-Apr-2019 10:34:49 by Storm Thief

Storm Thief

Storm Thief

Posts: 1,655 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

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Clan Chat/Discussion Rules

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#1 Rule:
Respect for all others. If you are the type of person to grief others, scam, do shady stuff, cause drama or contribute to drama, directly insult or attack people, indirectly/low-key imply someone else is dumb/bad/stupid/garbage/worthless, if you think telling someone “kill yourself” is an acceptable thing to say, this is not the clan for you.

At the same time, we don’t have to be stupidly polite or Goody Two-Shoes.

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Topics allowed in clan chat (banter, PG-13 jokes, and serious discussion are okay):
- Sex
- Religion
- Politics

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Topics that *are not* allowed in clan chat
- Anything against RS rules
- Dark shit (for example, terrorism jokes, gore, necrophilia)
- Racial slurs
- Criminal activity
- Topics that could reasonably be considered shocking/disturbing by a reasonable, not-overly-sensitive person
- Suicide Jokes (kys, ays, hys, etc)
- Flaming, abusive language, griefing
- Referring to anything or anyone as “cancer” “Downs” “AIDS” “autistic” etc.
- Begging

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We have very little tolerance for people who repeatedly press the boundaries of what is acceptable and what isn’t. If you are the type of person to actively try to shock or offend people for your own amusement, this is not the clan for you. Assholes not welcome. Our Admin team will get rid of these type of people quickly.

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Post 4
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20-Apr-2019 10:33:17 - Last edited on 20-Apr-2019 10:35:17 by Storm Thief

Storm Thief

Storm Thief

Posts: 1,655 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

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Reasons to Join

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1. Non-Elitist
If we are in a boss fight and you make a mistake or die, no one is going to whine, complain, moan and groan about it. It happens to the best of us. We'll help you understand what happened so you can improve. If you don't have the very top end gear, no one is going to be nasty about it.

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2. Actually bossing
We almost always have a different boss team going at any given time. Bosses vary from Elite Dungeons to Angel of Death and even Vorago.

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3. Active Discord
We have a clan discord with well over 200 players connected to it. People often use voice channels while bossing, but many others do just to shoot the breeze and hang out while ‘Scaping.

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4. Fair Ranking System
We have a fair ranking system that both rewards those who like to go do different bosses and those who just like to chat and earn exp. We don’t play favorites so sucking up to admins or the owner is not going to get you rank.

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5. Minimal conflicts, fair conflict resolution
As with any online community, sometimes people don't get along. Disagreements happen. We are fortunate enough that “clan drama” is rare. If it does happen, we try to ensure it’s resolved quickly, privately, maturely, and without bias. Fairness and respect are very important to us. We will do our best to make sure that you are treated well here.

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Post 5
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20-Apr-2019 10:33:20 - Last edited on 20-Apr-2019 11:18:28 by Storm Thief

Storm Thief

Storm Thief

Posts: 1,655 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

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Ranking System

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We use a
Point Based Ranking System.
You can earn points by doing various things or having various things unlocked (see below)

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- 5 points per Discord tag
- 10 points per Teacher tag

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- 1 point per 10m clan exp.
- 5 bonus points for every 50m
- 15 bonus for every 100m

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Clan Events

- Host 10 points
- Participating 5 points

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- Capping 5 points
- Bumping forums 5 points for every 10

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Points Required for Ranks

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100 Points for Sergeant
(3 Stripes)

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250 Points for Lieutenant
(Bronze Star)

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500 Points for Captain
(Silver Star)

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1000 Points for General
(Gold Star)

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Admin+ Ranks
Staff ranks
are awarded to those who go above and beyond to help the clan. You can Volunteer to be on staff. Just ask any staff member for details on how to join.

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Post 6
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20-Apr-2019 10:33:23 - Last edited on 20-Apr-2019 19:42:09 by Storm Thief

Storm Thief

Storm Thief

Posts: 1,655 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

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Discord Link

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We have an active discord with over 200+ people connected to our server. We have many voice channels, different boss forming channels, boss help channels, and general chat channel.

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We have many different tags many of which you can self-assign and others which are locked behind dpm gem trials and/or bossing trials.

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Our Discord is open to everyone but certain channels and tags are locked behind clan membership

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Post 7
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20-Apr-2019 10:33:26 - Last edited on 20-Apr-2019 10:36:33 by Storm Thief

Storm Thief

Storm Thief

Posts: 1,655 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

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How To Join

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To Join just copy-paste the
below Answer the questions then
Join the clan chat
and let any
know that you would like an invite to the clan.

Combat Level:
Total Level:
Herblore Level:
Prayer Level:
Invention Level:
Summoning Level:

How did you find out about us?

Who referred you to our clan (or N/A)?

Are you willing to use Discord actively, or at least for bossing sessions?

Are you willing to be active, interact with others, hang out in clan chat and/or Discord, and make a true effort to be part of our community?

Do you agree to our clan rules, and our chat/discussion rules?

If someone suggests a better or more efficient way to do boss kills, are you going to get defensive and douchey?

Are you willing to try to improve your PvM skills?

What are your top 3 bosses you would like to do more of?

What are you top 3 bosses that you would like to learn?

Interested in a leader/teacher/admin role in the future? (State which ones)

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Post 8
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20-Apr-2019 10:33:37 - Last edited on 20-Apr-2019 10:36:55 by Storm Thief

Storm Thief

Storm Thief

Posts: 1,655 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

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You have been Accepted into Bomb Tanks v2 please join the Clan Chat and let us know you have been accepted and we will get you invited ASAP

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We regret to inform you that you have Not been Accepted into Bomb Tanks v2 please re-read our requirements to see why. You can re-apply once you meet the requirements but feel free to join the clan chat as a guest until you meet the requirements.

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Post 9
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20-Apr-2019 10:33:39 - Last edited on 20-Apr-2019 19:44:12 by Storm Thief

Storm Thief

Storm Thief

Posts: 1,655 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

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Post 10
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20-Apr-2019 10:33:42 - Last edited on 20-Apr-2019 10:38:19 by Storm Thief

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