Serene Divinity - Hall of Fame
Welcome to Serene Divinity - Hall of Fame thread. This thread will display all PvM best time records performed by our clannies. It will include all bosses, some in solo, duo or even trio. All beaten records should be sent to any of Serene Divinity leaders in form of a screenshot through Discord.
In addition, this thread will also show all clannies with their unlocked collection titles (and eventually other Bossing titles, such as Daredevil).
The purpose of this thread is to motivate our clannies to lay more into PvM as well as encourage other people to join our clan with the purpose of beating our records and be part of our Hall of Fame
Be aware that group records will only count if they've been obtained by clannies only. If a clannie decides to leave the clan or gets kicked, their record will or not be deleted, depending on the reason of their leave and how long they have been in the clan.