
±‡± The Dark Confederation ±‡± Thread is locked

Quick find code: 90-91-890-62801336

Feb Member 2009


Posts: 13,390 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
±‡± ______±_±_±______±‡±___ Thê Ðárk Çôñfédërå†íðñ ___±‡±______±_±_±______ ±‡±
>>> ___±‡±______±_±_±_______ Wé Úñí†ê †ô Àdvâñçë _______±_±_±______±‡±___ <<<
Welcome to the home of The Dark Confederation! TDC is a strong and bold clan union who have proven themselves to be effective at providing support and consistency to their clans. TDC's members consist of a range of clans in all shapes and sizes, from warring clans, to skilling clans.
In our eyes, the definition of a union is a large group of clans who do events regularly together and help each other in any way possible. This is exactly what we are.
Our union is, of course, about the clans. Our purpose is to provide a fun, friendly, and caring environment for all involved.
We have events in every major time zone in order to fit the needs of our clans with a range of activities including Union wars, Godwars events, Skill competitions, and much more. Clans are encouraged to take an active part in event decisions and leadership.
Our staff are either current or former clan leaders, meaning that we have a wide range of experience in all aspects of clan ownership. We can offer help and advice to ensure your clan grows stronger and in the direction that you want it to.
We hope you enjoy your experience here at TDC and if you have any problems, questions, or concerns please post and we will reply to you as soon as possible.

~»!«~ Information ~»!«~
• Number of Clans: 10
• Leaders: Sapphire
• Clan Chat: TDC_Union
• Outside Channel: #TDC_Union
• TDC Private Ladder: 135-136-369-62780813
• RSB Power Ladder: 135-136-3-62668893
• TDC News Thread: 135-136-350-62604164
Ataraxia. | Social/community clan. | Discord.
Apply here!

21-May-2011 05:49:53 - Last edited on 11-Jul-2011 23:13:34 by Sapp

Feb Member 2009


Posts: 13,390 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~»!«~ Table of Contents ~»!«~
Page One
01 ~ Introduction
02 ~ Table of Contents
03 ~ Logo
04 ~ Rules
05 ~ Applications
06 ~ Positions
07 ~ Event System
08 ~ Positions Descriptions
09 ~ Threadholders
10 ~ Time Zone Chart
Page Two
01 ~ Clans
02 ~ Clans
03 ~ Clans
04 ~ Clans
05 ~ Upcoming Events
06 ~ Past events
07 ~ Past events
08 ~ Past Events
09 ~ Past Events
10 ~ Past Events
Page Three
01 ~ Guides
02 ~ Bandos
03 ~ Zamorak
04 ~ Saradomin
05 ~ Armadyl
06 ~ Kalphite Queen
07 ~ King Black Dragon
08 ~ Daggannot* Kings
09 ~ Chaos Elemental
10 ~ Barrows
Page Four
01 ~ History
02 * History (continued)
03 ~ History (continued)
04 ~ Reserved
05 ~ Reserved
06 ~ Reserved
07 ~ Union invitation
08 ~ Staff / Clan relations list
09 ~ Clan Surveys
10 ~ Clan Surveys
Page Five
01 ~ Union Member's Bumps
02 ~ Reserved
03 ~ Thank-Yous
04 ~ Diplomacy
05 ~ Reserved
06 ~ Competition Layout
07 ~ Competition Results
08 ~ Reserved
09 ~ Reserved
10 ~ Reserved
Ataraxia. | Social/community clan. | Discord.
Apply here!

21-May-2011 05:50:01 - Last edited on 21-May-2011 05:53:13 by Sapp

Feb Member 2009


Posts: 13,390 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~»!«~ Logo ~»!«~
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~»!«~ Threads We Support! ~»!«~
Magic's Clan Making Guide
QFC: 98-99-787-58601948
Magic's Runecrafting Guide
QFC: 98-99-964-58609659
~RSB Book Title~
QFC: 135-136-919-59718822
Prayer is Insulting
QFC: 74-75-124-57480183
RSB Ladder Officials Forum
QFC: 135-136-74-61723940
The RSB Tavern
QFC: 135-136-541-62574657
Ataraxia. | Social/community clan. | Discord.
Apply here!

21-May-2011 05:50:02 - Last edited on 21-May-2011 05:53:25 by Sapp

Feb Member 2009


Posts: 13,390 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~»!«~ Rules ~»!«~
1. Treat all fellow union members with respect.
2. Both staff members and clan members/representatives must be active on the Dark Confederation thread. Each clan will be expected to post on this thread ONCE PER WEEK.
3. No Multi-Unioning.
4. Staff members cannot accept any of their own applications, including their clans.
5. Staff members may Not multi-clan or multi-union.
6. Follow all Jagex rules.
7. All important decisions must be voted on.
8. All clans must post on the first post of their thread(*) that they are apart of The Dark Confederation .
~»!«~ Requirements ~»!«~
Since we are an active warring union, there needs to be some basic requirements.
• Clans must have 90+ Combat Requirement.
• All clans must have 30+ members.
~»!«~ Information ~»!«~
• Founded on: August 24th, 2009
• Founders: FearlessRyan, Xageian, Jetstream300
• Founding Clans: Svhg Army, Lethal Impact
• Union World: 48
• Team Cape: 17
• Number of Clans: 10
• Clan Chat: "Tdc_Union"
• Outside Channel: #TDC_Union
• Quick Find Code: 90-91-923-61775867
• Leaders: Sapphire
• TDC Private Ladder Quick Find Code: 135-136-369-62780813
* TDC News Thread "The RSB Chronicle": 135-136-350-62604164
• TDC Public Ladder "RSB Power Ladder": 135-136-3-62668893
* Thread Number: 23
Ataraxia. | Social/community clan. | Discord.
Apply here!

21-May-2011 05:50:02 - Last edited on 11-Jul-2011 23:13:54 by Sapp

Feb Member 2009


Posts: 13,390 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~»!«~ Department Descriptions ~»!«~
°ï¦ï° Leadership °ï¦ï°
Leads the union, makes sure that all department heads and managers do their jobs and replaces them when needed.
°ï¦ï° War Department °ï¦ï°
In charge of hosting exclusive combat-related events/competitions once every 6 weeks which clans within TDC must apply to be apart of. These events consist of but are not limited to 3v3 inter-union wars, mini warring tournaments, iron wars, etc.
Battle Ladder Manager: Manages the private union battle ladder.
°ï¦ï° Competition Department °ï¦ï°
In charge of hosting non-combat related competitions periodically.
°ï¦ï° State Department °ï¦ï°
In charge of improving relationships and activity between TDC and its allies by talking on TDC's thread, and each of its ally's threads.
°ï¦ï° Messenger Department °ï¦ï°
In charge of giving daily bumps to our supported threads and clan threads, posting daily forum event reminders, and sending out miscellaneous messages to TDC clans when necessary.
°ï¦ï° Events Department °ï¦ï°
In charge of hosting all union events, determining time/date of chosen events, giving daily in-game cc event reminders, and calling clans 1-2 hours prior to event mass (see page 3 post 1).
°ï¦ï° Chat Hopping Department °ï¦ï°
In charge of building relationships and awareness between clan members and TDC. Hops to each clan chat and becomes friends with people in the channel.
°ï¦ï° Outreach Department °ï¦ï°
In charge of promoting activity in the RSB.
Ataraxia. | Social/community clan. | Discord.
Apply here!

21-May-2011 05:50:02 - Last edited on 21-May-2011 06:59:20 by Sapp

Feb Member 2009


Posts: 13,390 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~»!«~ Applications ~»!«~
°ï¦ï° Clan °ï¦ï°
Clan Name:
Number of Members:
Representatives for your Clan (Must have two who are active):
Clan Chat:
What Time Zone(s) is your clan based in:
Quick Find Code:
How did you find out about the TDC?:
Will you follow all rules (MUST READ!)?:
Are you planning on joining the TDC Battle Ladder?:

°ï¦ï° Staff °ï¦ï°
Full Username:
Who recruited you (if any):
Combat Level:
Why do you want to join TDC Staff?:
Will you be active on the thread?:
Have you read the department descriptions post(MUST READ)?:
Which position would you like(MUST PICK ONE)?:
What is your time zone?:
Do you have any clan experience?:
Do you have any union experience?:
Will you follow all rules?:
Are you currently in a clan?:
If yes, which one?:

°ï¦ï° Individual Member °ï¦ï°
Full Username:
Who recruited you (if any):
CB Level:
Why do you want to join TDC?:
Will you be active on the thread?:
What is your time zone?:
Do you have any clan experience?:
Do you have any union experience?:
Will you follow all rules?:
Are you currently in a clan?:
If yes, which one?:

°ï¦ï° Friend °ï¦ï°
Why do you want to be a Friend?:

°ï¦ï° Alliance °ï¦ï°
Union Name:
Union Leader:
Minimum Requirement:
Wars Won:
Wars Lost:
Number of Members:
Quick Find Code:
Why You Want To Have An Alliance With Us?:

°ï¦ï° Thread Support °ï¦ï°
Thread Name:
Quick Find Code:
Why Should We Support Your Thread?:

°ï¦ï° Threadholder °ï¦ï°
Threads You've Held:
Are you currently active on the thread?:
How often would you update the union thread?:

°ï¦ï° Union Event °ï¦ï°
Mass Time:
Event Start Time:
Clan Chat:
What to bring:
Extra Notes:
Ataraxia. | Social/community clan. | Discord.
Apply here!

21-May-2011 05:50:03 - Last edited on 21-May-2011 05:54:15 by Sapp

Feb Member 2009


Posts: 13,390 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~»!«~ Positions ~»!«~
°ï¦ï° Leadership °ï¦ï°
Leader: Sapphire
Co-Leader: Rebelrbl
Co-Leader: Inaree
Co-Leader: R0kHerLykDat
Off-Site Admins:
Vent Manager:
Head of Staff:
°ï¦ï° War Department °ï¦ï°
Head of War Council: Sir_Furlong
War Councilors:
Battle Ladder Managers:
Mage In Arma
°ï¦ï° Competition Department °ï¦ï°
Head of Competitions:
Competition Council:
°ï¦ï° State Department °ï¦ï°
Secretary of State:
Assistant Secretaries:
°ï¦ï° Messenger Department °ï¦ï°
Head of Messangers: Inaree
Assistant Head Messenger: Fusion Nick
Mage In Arma
Fuzzy Panda
Drifter N85
7 S
Ferus Animus
Reptar 1
°ï¦ï° Events Department °ï¦ï°
Head Event Organizer: Sound5leader
Assistant Head Event Organizer:
Event Organizers:
°ï¦ï° Chat Hopping Department °ï¦ï°
Head of Chat Hoppers: R0kHerLykDat
Assistant Head Chat Hopper: TooHotToTank
Chat Hoppers:
Nova Science
°ï¦ï° Outreach Department °ï¦ï°
"The RSB Chronicle" Managers:
Xeoros Rauha
"The RSB Chronicle" Staff Overseer:
Head of Video Production:
Assistant Head of Video Production:
Video Producers:
A r c h y
°ï¦ï° TDC Individual Members °ï¦ï°
The Steelz
Robin H Pk1
Youyou 6300
Fierce Dylan
RL Chaos
AL Noone
THR Nitro
RC Rebelion
°ï*ï* TDC Friends °ï¦ï°
Gen Varo
Ataraxia. | Social/community clan. | Discord.
Apply here!

21-May-2011 05:50:03 - Last edited on 03-Jul-2011 23:11:56 by Sapp

Feb Member 2009


Posts: 13,390 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~»!«~ Events System ~»!«~
Every two weeks we have a meeting of clan representatives who vote on which events we're going to host over the next two weeks and discuss union related matters. These meetings are held in the 1rc channel: #TDC_Meetings.
At the meetings, we vote on the types of events we want to host between each meeting. We will host as many events as the clans would like between meetings; However, most likely there will be 2-3 events held every two weeks.
Each clan representative has 1 vote and union leaders also have one vote each. Voting will be done via a poll website. At the appropriate time, the link for the site will be posted in the channel.
After the events discussion is finished, we talk about other union matters and various plans which the staff have been thinking of and putting them into action. We also talk about any union matters that the clans would like to discuss.
Please note, we will post a summary of what was discussed after each meeting, however if you would like a chance to be represented at the meeting you must send 1-2 people with 1rc. It is free to acquire and use.
All union events must be hosted in the union CC 'Tdc_Union'
Ataraxia. | Social/community clan. | Discord.
Apply here!

21-May-2011 05:50:04 - Last edited on 21-May-2011 05:54:40 by Sapp

Feb Member 2009


Posts: 13,390 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~»!«~ Threadholders ~»!«~
Past Threadholders:
#1: FearlessRyan
#2: FearlessRyan
#3: Mjh1625 (as TDC Union)
#4: Ca-Y-D-e-n
#5: The Steelz
#6: Fearlessryan
#7: Magicfinpro
#8: Mattdraco
#9: Magicfinpro
#10: Aurorashines
#11: Misty Meowww
#12: FearlessRyan
#13: Magicfinpro
#14: Pking Noob3
#15: Aurorashines
#16: Sound5leader
#17: Misty
#18: FearlessRyan
#19: Magicfinpro
#20: Magicfinpro
#21: Sound5leader
#22: Magicfinpro
Current Threadholder:
#23: Fusion Sapp
Waiting List:
#24: Magicfinpro
#25: Kwthegreat
#26: Hehzeus
#27: Sound5leader
#28: FearlessRyan
**!** Threadholding Requirements ~»!«~
In order to ensure that our thread will be updated, we have set up some requirements to weed out those who would be inactive.
1. Must post at least once every two days, even if it is just a period. This is to show us you are on the thread.
2. If you are going to be gone for more than two days, you must post your absence or you will be removed from the list. At that time, you would have to apply again and would be put at the bottom of the list.
3. Must have past threadholding experiences.
Ataraxia. | Social/community clan. | Discord.
Apply here!

21-May-2011 05:50:04 - Last edited on 21-May-2011 06:55:23 by Sapp

Feb Member 2009


Posts: 13,390 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~»!«~ Time Zone Conversion Chart ~»!«~
GMT-12 Eniwetok
GMT-11 Samoa
GMT-10 Hawaii
GMT-9 Alaska
GMT-8 PST, Pacific US
GMT-7 MST, Mountain US
GMT-6 CST, Central US
GMT-5 EST, Eastern US
GMT-4 Atlantic, Canada
GMT-3 Brasilia, Buenos Aries
GMT-2 Mid-Atlantic
GMT-1 Cape Verdes
GMT Greenwich Mean Time, Greenwich
GMT+1 Berlin, Rome, Norway
GMT+2 Israel, Cairo
GMT+3 Moscow, Kuwait
GMT+4 Abu Dhabi, Muscat
GMT+5 Islamabad, Karachi
GMT+6 Almaty, Dhaka
GMT+7 Bangkok, Jakarta
GMT+8 Hong Kong, Beijing
GMT+9 Tokyo, Osaka
GMT+10 Sydney, Melbourne, Guam
GMT+11 Macadam, Solomon Is.
GMT+12 Fiji, Wellington, Auckland
Ataraxia. | Social/community clan. | Discord.
Apply here!

21-May-2011 05:50:04 - Last edited on 21-May-2011 05:55:09 by Sapp

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