Welcome friends to our Home! We are stationed primarily in world 42 and as such it is encouraged that you at least be open to the idea of Roleplaying. It is NOT mandatory that you Roleplay at all however! Basically all we ask is that you can tolerate it, you would never be forced into doing Roleplay if you didn’t want to. We follow a motto of respecting each other and I’ll go further into depth about that soon.
Please see the next post to see what is expected of you!
-Be sensitive of others. This includes no bashing, flaming, name calling, threats, talking down to others, or saying things such as “this is aids” or “this is cancer”. These are triggers to some folks and since we hope to be an accepting Clan we just don’t want things like this said. We want everyone to be able to be happy and have a good time!
-Please note that we’re not looking to kick people. We want everyone to be respectful of one another and if you joke in that other sort of way please take it to friend chat instead of Clan chat. We will however take action if need be to make sure the Clan stays stable and safe for all.
-You MUST try to cap at least once every other week. Weekly would be preferred, but I understand not everyone can do this. If you do not cap at all you will be kicked from the Clan UNLESS you have recently become a non-member and need time to get membership back. Capping helps everyone and it’s free xp! This is very important. I don’t want to kick people for this reason but if I see the Clan is being abused as a free ride then I will.
-We are all equals; we are all human. Our characters do not have to be, but please treat everyone in the Clan as you would want to be treated. Respect is a biggie in our Clan if nothing else guys!
-Player versus Monster! We do not appreciate PvP and will not support it in our Clan.
-Bossing! While none of our current members are high enough to boss, it doesn’t mean we wouldn’t be interested!
-Growth! Be the best you that you can be~ Want to be an expert fighter? Rather be a skiller and raise things such as mining or fishing? Go for it!
-Community! Talk with us, friends! We’re looking to have fun here, and help others enjoy Runescape the same way we do!
-Fun! Drop parties perhaps? Writing contests? Art contests? The ideas are limitless! Anyone can suggest an event for us to incorporate into the Clan! As a community we can make this Clan something bigger than itself. We’ll need help of course, especially for drop parties, but there is no requirement to donate / a minimum you need to donate! Got about 100 willow logs you want to share? Bring them in for the donations!