Skill and Clan Know How:
2300+ Total and 100 kills in three different bosses with the identical or greater Difficulty to Nex are needed to be a Founder, as you must be diverse in your knowledge about the game.
As a wise man once said: "Don't give me excuses, get me results." Not being able to do something for the sole reason of not being good at it is folly. I'll be happy to Mentor anybody who asks on how to do anything mentioned below efficiently, and as a Clan Leader, you will be expected to do these sometimes and keep them in mind, especially at the beginning.
¤ Recruitment
¤ Capping Weekly
¤ Hosting Events
¤ Bumping Forums
¤ Engaging in conversations and proper monitoring of the CC. (Also look out for guests!)
Other Things:
¤ High Activity level.
¤ Access to Prifddinas.
¤ You have some form of Screenshot program. (Like Gyazo or Imgur.)
¤ Forum Avatar.
¤ You have a Skype and Discord Account, without any objections to voice chat or speaking on it. (Even if you have a thick accent, don't worry, I like them.)
Skype is critically important in concerns to Staff meetings and Event Organization. Below are just a few top reasons why all staff must have and regularly check Skype:
¤ I can't play Runescape all day, but I can have Skype open for questions or emergencies. As can you.
¤ I can quickly send Event Notices, or ask for feedback on an idea, to everyone. Painlessly.
¤ Do we usually log on at different times? Not to worry, Skype keeps us in touch.
The first 60 days in a nutshell:
Step 1: Clan Founded.
Step 2: First/Second week is solely Rallying and Recruiting.
Step 3: By late Second week, Events start.
Step 4: Week 3-5 we keep very busy, all about promotion and Recruitment.
Step 5: So long as we combine our efforts and gain plenty of Members during the first 60 days, by week 6, we can relax.