This is the forum thread for I Help CC. We are an active social/community clan.
This clan has been around for over a year and is a community of pvmers, skillers, and pkers. Whatever you interest may be you have a spot at I Help as long as you respect the clan rules of not offending other players, or to just stop hostile conversations.
CC: I Help
Home Word: 369
All levels, total and combat, welcome to apply on the forum thread or pop into the clan and ask for a smiley
-Ranks are awarded to loyal clan members who attend clan events, and are supportive clan members.
-Do not ask for ranks in the cc
-If you have any questions or concerns you can message one of the stars(generals/lietenants...)
Welcome, and we'd be glad to have you!
pleb slayer
26-Jun-2017 04:27:26
- Last edited on
26-Jun-2017 04:41:05