only requirement is 85mage + 100 combat +
we will be focusing on clearing worlds in the revenant caves.
this could be very beneficial once we are all coordinated as a team.
if you are looking to be carried this is the wrong team.
if you are looking to social engineer players I will spot it off the muscle and kick and ban you.
if you are not experienced with pking you will be gear capped preventing the team from getting smited is priority
we are a team if one of us gets smited, we all get smited /which meens the trip was a waste of time and money
Clan cc :Tentoesdown discord server : underdogz discord name 10toes#6932
feel free to add me in game and ask questions
no application needed
gear requirements for rev pking:
*xerician mage sets (multiple)
*teleblock runes (chaos death and laws)
*barrage runes (death bloods and waters)
*brews restores super combats must be on deck
discord pk/pvm guidelines
SETUP -- Everybody SHOULD be in tribrid, if you have no mage you need to bring a dragon spear at the very least. Preferred group setup is half freezes and half TBs. Make sure you have several sets in stock before a pk trip, so you're quick to regear and get back to the battle. Also I feel like I have to emphasize the importance of zamorak brew\locator orb as smite teams are rampant.
DISCORD NAMES -- If you're new please change your server nickname to your in-game name so there isn't any confusion to who's who.
INVITING FRIENDS -- If you invite a new person to the discord, please @ their name in the newly added "invite references" channel, and put who they are, that way we know who invited who.
We only split big items\smited items, and its split into the 3 brackets below.
Under 2m: Killer keeps
2-20m: Killer keeps half, splits half with those involved.
Over 20m: Killer splits evenly with everyone initially involved.
SPLITTING PVMING -- Rare items are thrown into a pool and split evenly among those involved. TenToesDown
we will be focusing on clearing worlds in the revenant caves.
this could be very beneficial once we are all coordinated as a team.
if you are looking to be carried this is the wrong team.
if you are looking to social engineer players I will spot it off the muscle and kick and ban you.
if you are not experienced with pking you will be gear capped preventing the team from getting smited is priority
we are a team if one of us gets smited, we all get smited /which meens the trip was a waste of time and money
Clan cc :Tentoesdown discord server : underdogz discord name 10toes#6932
feel free to add me in game and ask questions
no application needed
gear requirements for rev pking:
*xerician mage sets (multiple)
*teleblock runes (chaos death and laws)
*barrage runes (death bloods and waters)
*brews restores super combats must be on deck
discord pk/pvm guidelines
SETUP -- Everybody SHOULD be in tribrid, if you have no mage you need to bring a dragon spear at the very least. Preferred group setup is half freezes and half TBs. Make sure you have several sets in stock before a pk trip, so you're quick to regear and get back to the battle. Also I feel like I have to emphasize the importance of zamorak brew\locator orb as smite teams are rampant.
DISCORD NAMES -- If you're new please change your server nickname to your in-game name so there isn't any confusion to who's who.
INVITING FRIENDS -- If you invite a new person to the discord, please @ their name in the newly added "invite references" channel, and put who they are, that way we know who invited who.
We only split big items\smited items, and its split into the 3 brackets below.
Under 2m: Killer keeps
2-20m: Killer keeps half, splits half with those involved.
Over 20m: Killer splits evenly with everyone initially involved.
SPLITTING PVMING -- Rare items are thrown into a pool and split evenly among those involved. TenToesDown
06-May-2019 19:30:41