BAND of the LION needs YOU!
We are a social/helping clan, we love to help new and returning players get back in the game! We've got discord, Cit+4, we don't require you to max cap weekly but half would be recommended. We don't mind helping out others but we do not accept beggars. Currently also looking for players who wants to learn PVMING(bossing), would like to build an elite rank/squad solely for bossing, wether you're new or a vet to bossing we don't care, as long as you're patient with others and willing to learn together we would like you in our team! We are very laid back, casual, and alot of VERY nice people in the clan! We do not tolerate disrespect and belittling. We try our best to include everyone with what we do but you must also make sure you're noticed in the chat by helping others and introducing yourself to us
Pm myself, JessiJedi, Casrose, Faeniel, PickelRick, IWantYouDead, TROYANCHULA!
09-Mar-2018 19:51:07
- Last edited on
09-Mar-2018 19:52:07
Jaded Leader