The Assassins of Asgarnia
We are the Assassins of Asgarnia, hidden by the shadows. Our weapon is your fear, your fear is our knives. We move with unparalleled speed; time is our servant and we move the wind. As the darkness covers us, we stand hand in hand with our brothers and sisters. With hearts of steel, blood of ice, and skin of rock we deliver pain, hell, and fire. We are the darkness. We are the shadow. We are the Assassins of Asgarnia!
Welcome to our thirteenth thread! Before all else, we are a clan. That means we are a family. We work, play, kill, chat, and live together. From events to parties there is always something going on in our family. Our clan chat is never empty, and there is always someone who will chat. As a laid back, entertaining, light-hearted clan we can guarantee AoA is where you want to be.
You may enlist if you meet at least one of the following requirement(*):
* 70+ Combat Level
‡ 1000+ Total Level
‡ Two Level 99 Skills
¸•*ˆ*•,¸¸,‹‹Quick Info››,¸¸,•*ˆ*•¸
‡Leader: SamPendragon (formerly AoA Edge)
*Clan Chat: AssassinsOfAsgarnia
‡Color Scheme: Blue & Gold
‡Clan Type: Community/Events
‡Team Cape: Team-43
‡Recruitment Status: Recruiting!
Member Count: 90
‡Timezone: Central Standard Time (CST) / Eastern Standard Time (EST)
‡Homeworlds: 39 (P2P), 3 (F2P)
‡Average Total Level: 1,539
‡Average Combat Level: 102
‡Total Level (All): 138,594
‡Combat Level (All): 9,230
*War Record (Win-Loss-Tie): 11-2-4
‡Citadel Level: locked (currently)
‡Website: Contact a member in game.
‡Founded: August 22, 2010
© The Assassins of Asgarnia.
| Grandmaestro of
The Assassins of Asgarnia
08-Feb-2016 22:47:56
- Last edited on
11-Feb-2016 22:17:49