•Display Name: Kaavose
•F2P or P2P: P2P
•Combat level: 110
•Total level: 1105
•Time zone (Our clan time is EST (-5)): PST
•Will you attend our clan events?: Yes, if I can due to time zone
•Will u be active?: Yes, I play everyday
•Will you be able to use our discord server?: yes
•Previous clans/Reason for leaving?: New to game, never been in a clan.
•What is your favorite thing to do in RuneScape? (e.g PvM, skilling, questing etc): I am planning to PvM, currently just skilling at the moment.
•More information about you (optional): I really like the game and want to learn how to play. Been watching youtube, but a little help would be greatly appreciated and a lot more fun.
21-Jul-2022 04:09:43