Welcome to the Forbidden Magicks recruitment thread! We have a whole new clan thats looking for new and active members! There are no requirements (skills, combat, capping, etc). The only thing we ask is you remain mature, loyal, and active.
Capping is a plus, not a must!
We've just been created due to dictatorships, ranks not knowing how to be ranks, and just overall clans that cannot function well.
As I've stated we are new so we should be having an ava up very soon!
Homeworld: 100
Keywords: Open to all, 24/7, Mature, Social, help & questions, bossing, pvm, pvp, all skills
If you're interested and perhaps would like to get to know and become one of the family then feel free to message myself, Fire Vulpix, as well as my dep owner, Cozzini! Hope to see you there when we become a top tier clan! Note: I can be found in w100 NW GE to anyone interested also.
Vengeance hot as Fire
If you see Ice Vulpix, remind him why fire is superior (;