How To Earn A Rank
We use a points system to keep our ranking system fair for all, to give everyone an equal opportunity to advance in our clan.
After you first week in clan you are promoted from Recruit to Corporal, from there ranks are point based.
We track the clans experience gains Daily / Weekly.
5m = 1 point
10m = 2 points
15m = 4 points
20m = 6 points
25m = 8 points
30m = 10 points
35m = 12 points
40m = 14 points
50m = 16 points
60m = 18 points
70m = 20 points
We also track the number of times each member recruitment a new
P2P Members
1 member = 2 points
3 member = 6 points
5 member = 10 points
7 member = 14 points
10 member = 20 point
Points needed to upgrade your rank
Sergeants = 6pts
Lieutenants = 12pts
Captains = 16pts
Generals = 20pts
Each new recruit who joined should contact one of the Rank: Admin`s and above to let us know. Best suggestion would be by Discord
•The above points system will get you from recruit to general. But to advance further to admin, we pick people who are helpful, active, supporting, and earn our trust.