I mean, I dont think it would be that hard to do a minor tweak to a system that's already set up but this would help all the clans especially big ones. Honestly, some small things are the things that satisfy the most to some people.
This for example is a way in java or something similar to it to code the ban list.
if (banlist < 200)
(code to add user to clan ban list).
BanList++; (it will increment and add +1)
if (banlist == 200)
return "Cannot add user to ban list because the ban list has reached its max capacity";
Something like this would be welcome. Now, dont get me wrong, I absolutely have no idea how the clan code and banning works or what structure is used but changing a couple of stuff shouldn't be that hard and should not take long (its also highly possible that im wrong but this is what i've learned in three semesters of computer science).
17-Apr-2016 21:09:18