A lot of people do not like capping. Can we not improve upon the options available?
Why not offer xp gained off the clan battlefield?
Let clannies fight each other (safe pvp) on the battlefield and let their xp gained there contribute to their clan cap in the form of a blood tithe.
Perhaps the xp gained could be applied at the leader's discretion towards a clan citadel resource. Would this not make citadel management less of a headache?
The amount of combat available could be limited, similar to how the the oblisk plot limits clannies in the amount of summoning xp they can gain each week
I am sure a lot of clannies would find this more appealing than grinding away at the existing skill plots all the time. Perhaps it would also encourage clannies to skill together at the citadel (which to me is always preferable than being there by yourself).
I failed to keep my New Year's resolution before I even made it.
12-Dec-2015 05:44:23