
Offensive Account Names

Quick find code: 86-87-833-66262520

Oct Member 2023


Posts: 419 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Wanted to raise an issue that I personally find - Wanted to see others opinions on this. Offensive account names.

As you are all probably aware, there seems to be an increase in account names which I find "off putting" or "offensive". In my eyes, they do not belong in the game we know and love.

Some other clan leaders and friends I have spoken to have a mixed view. Some simply won't allow someone to join with such a name, where on the other hand aren't too bothered.

It seems that the rule of Offensive Account Name is being overlooked - Is this a new stance?

18-Sep-2022 12:45:37

Only Lilly
May Member 2007

Only Lilly

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I totally agree, we do not allow offsensive names, or drug reference either. If they refuse to change then they arent meant to be with us.

I have little confidence Im afraid that Jagex care anymore,
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18-Sep-2022 18:56:10

Mr Rey Ray
May Member 2016

Mr Rey Ray

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Every player are entitled to creating their account names, However if a name comes up that appears offensive to you, it most likely isn't as Jagex allowed that name to enter otherwise they would of blocked it.

The problem is what some people find totally offensive is only mildly offensive to others or even not at all it is just difference of opinions.

If you feel a name is severely offensive you can always use the in-game report tool, which will send a report to Jagex and they will investigate further.
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18-Sep-2022 23:14:05 - Last edited on 18-Sep-2022 23:16:00 by Mr Rey Ray

fmod Member


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I agree with you that as of late there have been a lot of offensive usernames added in game espeically Old School.

Now I know for a fact Jagex do ask the offenders to change them. If they don't them then Jagex change them for them and give the a name that can't be changed for 12 months.

As for offensive names in the Clan I totally get what you are saying. I and my Clan leaders do not allow offensive user names in the Clan. We give them 48 hours to change and if not then they get booted. It's that simple. It's 1 of our firm rules that will not be changed. Bad name = boot.

Remember though if you spot an Offensive user name in game you can report it. Then if you wanted too add to Ignore and wait for it being changed. If it does not get changed then send Jagex an E-Mail at:- they should help you out.

Offensive user names have no place in our game. EVER.
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26-Sep-2022 14:20:38

Oct Member 2012


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I agree about the offensive names & I appreciate Jagex's support in this matter. However, sometimes the player uses strange spellings or wordplay to get past the monitor. Also, there is no way that I know of to report names that come up in news broadcasts. I wish there was a way to report those names too. The profanity filter doesn't screen them out.

10-Oct-2022 20:50:25

Sep Member 2010


Posts: 3,919 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As a strong advocate of non-censorship, even I have issues with names at times.
They're just, odd, in the gaming environment.

I'm not sure why you'd want to have such usernames, filled with hate or angst.
The game, in my view, is a way to get away from such things, not proliferate them more.
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27-Jan-2023 07:22:14

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