The clan citadel battlefields are very buggy, often things do not load correctly including placed elements such as water tiles, etc.
From that print-screen you can see a whole line of tiles not loading. The water tile in the lower corner should have a whole line of water along with it. The game still recognizes it as water, but it doesn't show.
The citadel battlefield overall needs a fresh coat of paint. The monsters/NPC's that you can place in there doesnt really match the current combat of the game. I would really like to see them improved or more NPC's added to the game.
The god wars statues that can be placed at the portal entrance show the design as the retro bosses. I would really like to have the option to have current models (or even models of the gods) added in there as choices. A statue of Zaros or Seren would be amazing to see there.
If we arent going to have any new plots added to the citadel can we at least remove the blatantly obvious "empty plot" spaces that are there? it makes everything seem so empty...and is a constant reminder that there was supposed to be more but isn't.
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Prestige Legion
A high level bossing clan without the elitism