If it's an auto-lock at resource limit, it will automatically unlock after all goals are reached.
If it's a manual lock, then someone could be adjusting it.
MrBrokenBow - Former Leader and Founder of
This may not be someone manually unlocking plots. All plots unlock after all targets are fully met for the week.
This can be prevented by setting a ridiculously high target for a certain resource (any resource really - we would set ours for 50k minions when we were working on T7). This allows you to keep plots locked by bypassing the automatic unlock when every plot's target is achieved that week.
I ran into this issue no matter what I did.. so here is what I did to prevent it.. I added a 3rd plot to lock which was summoning.. u can use any plot just use a crazy number like 25000 for summon and set it to lock. Never had a problem since I did that.