
Clan RuneScores

Quick find code: 86-87-568-65945060

99 Slayer at

99 Slayer at

Posts: 698 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Clan Home -> Clan Stats

The Clan stats page provided quite a bit of useful info about clans in runescape. Some of the info can be clicked to find a highscore table ranking each clan based on their score in that field. Info found on this page includes:

-The number of accounts within the clan
-The tier of Citadel the clan owns
^General summary of how organized a clan is

-The combined total level of every member within the clan
-The combined total xp gained by every member since joining
-The average total level among clanmates within a clan
^Great for skilling clans

-Combined total cb levels
-Clan wars stats
^Useful information for pvp

It'd be awesome if we could get a "Combined Quest Points" & "Average Quest Points" Feature, and perhaps a "Combined RuneScore" and "Average RuneScore"?

I feel this is all just as important as skilling gains or kdrs, and yet questing based clans really have no representation on the stats page.
Founder of Level IIIs. Pm me anytime on my other account, 'Prodigy'.

29-Aug-2017 13:02:18

99 Slayer at

99 Slayer at

Posts: 698 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Pvm clans also lacking representation, would likely benefit the most from having their combined kill counts for certain npcs on display. But that begs the question as to which npcs would be chosen to display, and may be reason enough for players to camp certain npcs instead of their normal routines so.. Founder of Level IIIs. Pm me anytime on my other account, 'Prodigy'.

29-Aug-2017 13:05:28

Mar Member 2010


Posts: 16,166 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If all this data is easy to gather w/o the need of much development time I support. Ceecs - leader of Ceecs Clan
Rank in Star Find, Harmed Ore, Beach FC | Ex-Rank in Fast SC

Ceecs Clan: DUTCH ONLY RS3 clan & Winner of the Iron Skilled Cup 2015!

30-Aug-2017 09:36:34

Oct Member 2010


Posts: 4,318 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
So basically a more in-depth stats than Runeclan otherwise I'll just stick to using Runeclan.

I don't mind seeing this if it can be done.
My physique is a product of my mindset

Taiwanese Aussie Physique Bodybuilder

02-Sep-2017 16:01:11

Dec Member 2008


Posts: 17,179 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Support! 23 200ms. Founder of Jamandy52 skilling clan. Favorite skill: Construction. Love skilling. Love minigames.
Working on 200m Divination atm. PM for effigies assists, and for tips when skilling. World 70.

05-Sep-2017 01:06:37

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