Hello again
I'm at that point where I literally think I've added as much as I can for Avatar Rework, here's the FULL release list.
- The Avatar Warden Job title is no longer required to summon an avatar,
- Clans with a Avatar Habitat are no longer capped to three Avatars, each player can now have one each if they wish, the Clan Avatar is now, accessible via the Pets > Follower Pets window (Note: You need a Avatar Habitat active, as well as activating your weekly boost to see this)
- You no longer need to pay for Clan Buffs, as a result Orts have been removed from the game.
- The Avatar Gather resources action can now be accessed via the Avatar Control Stone
- You can now customise your avatar options via the Avatar Control Stone located near your Avatar Habitat
- You can now activate your weekly buff at your Avatar Control Stone located near your Avatar Habitat, once activated you choose between a base XP boost of 3% which can increase up to an additional 3% XP if your Fealty is rank 1, 2 or 3 OR a Skill Plot Bonus which increases the clan resources gained from that Skill Plot by 50%, whichever buff you choose lasts a week and can be switched out and/or renewed at any time
- The buff icon for a Clan XP boost now only shows one icon and the total % of additional XP you're getting.
- A buff icon has been added which shows when your Skill plot bonus is active
- Clan admins can customise the clan's avatars' appearance at the control stone
- The Clan Noticeboard no longer shows the status of Avatars and the Players holding them
- Avatars will gather while summoned as pets in the Citadel, gathering the currently set resource, up to a weekly maximum shared by the clan which scales based on the Habitat tier
- If you store the Clan Avatar in your Menagerie it'll have a special appearance for the time it's there
- A buff icon has been added which shows when your Skill plot bonus is active
The following clan avatar buffs have been removed
- Heal Over Time
- Familiar Faces
- Auto Ort
- Random Resurrection
- Protector
- The following Clan Citadel skillplots have had their XP increased by 20% from level 80 up to level 99:
- Crafting
- Mining
- Smithing
- Firemaking
- Woodcutting
- The active obelisk at the summoning skillplot will now switch every 30 seconds (previously 17 seconds)
- You can now train at Citadel skillplots with skilling urns in the corresponding skill.
- The chance to break a root while training at the Citadel woodcutting skillplot has been reduced
- Based on the amount of Orts you've earned prior to the Avatar Rework update we've given you a Citadel booster.
- 1k > 9.9k - 1 booster
- 10k > 49.9k - 2 boosters
- 50k > 99.9k - 3 boosters
- 100k > 200k - 4 boosters
- The Woodcutting, Mining and Firemaking Skill Plots will now grant more clan resources when skilling on them.
- A clan broadcast message has been added (which can be toggled) which'll tell you when your clan has hit your target goals for your resources, as well as telling you when all clan resource goals have been met
- Your Adventure's Log will now have an entry added for when you reach Clan Fealty rank 1, 2, or 3
- Furnace full & skill plot locked messages will now appear in a red infobox for easier visibility
- When skilling with fellow clan members at the same time in the Citadel, the resource gain has been slightly increased, the more members you gather resources with at once, the better the gain!
- Clan Resource gain is now shown in the XP popup alongside the XP drop you've gotten
- The Summoning Obelisk will now recharge your Summoning Points when using it
- When you first cap after hopping to the Citadel, a message will come up saying how many other clannies are capping with you and the % capping boost you're receiving, this appears once per login when you try to cap.
The weekly member requirement to upgrade a Citadel has been decreased, new numbers below (old numbers are in brackets)
- Tier 1 > 2 : 5 (7)
- Tier 2 > 3 : 7 (10)
- Tier 3 > 4 : 12 (15)
- Tier 4 > 5 : 15 (20)
- Tier 5 > 6 : 20 (25)
- Tier 6 > 7 : 25 (30)
- Using a Clan Vex or Clan Cloak on a Clan member will now give you the option to give it to them
- When leaving a Clan you are now prompted to provide a reason why you left the Clan, ranks with the right permission to see the "has left the clan broadcast" will be able to see the reason provided by the leaving Clan member.
- You can now decide which ranks can now kick members from the Clan
- You can now set a specific value for Colour on your Clan's Motif, as well as be able to get the current value of that colour in case you want to share it
- A +13:00 and +14:00 option has been added to the Time zone menu in Clan Settings
- If you decide to rename your clan you can now check if a clan name is available before taking it
- When you recruit a clan member the name of the recruiter is added to the join message allowing clans to track who's recruited who
- A pop up box appears when you're invited to the clan initially (you still need to click the message in the Chat box to accept the invite)
A clan log has been added accessible to Admin+! When inside your Citadel right click the 'I' icon in Clan Chat and click 'Clan Log' and it'll provide you the following details (these numbers reset when the Citadel rebuilds itself at it's specified build tick)
- Size of your clan (how many members are in your Clan currently)
- How many members have visited the Citadel this week
- How many members have capped at the Citadel this week
- As a result of this, the broadcast message that goes out when you cap will now tell your clan how many members have capped at the Citadel this week.
- How many members have hit Fealty at the Citadel this week.
A clan login message has also been added! Accessible to Deputy Owner+ via right clicking the 'I' icon in Clan Chat, this allows you to write up a custom message to display to clan members if they've been logged out for more than 6 hours when they next login (Clan members who don't want to see this message can toggle off the message if they don't want to see these anymore).
- An option to mute individual clan members has now been added to Clan Settings
- If said clan member has been muted they have an icon displayed to the right of their name in Clan Settings
- When muting a clan member a broadcast will be sent to admin+ informing them of the player who's been muted/unmuted
- Clan Chat now shows total number of players in the chat
- Clan Chat now shows the total number of members in your clan on hoverover of your clan name
- Clan Guest chat now shows total number of players in the chat
- Ban List now shows number of players banned
- Your Clan Noticeboard will automatically broadcast a reminder to your chatbox when the event has 60 minutes, 30 minutes, or 5 minutes to go.
- The Clan Noticeboard and Clan Noticeboard Broadcast interfaces have had a text revamp and clearup
- The Clan Noticeboard now only uses game time to stop confusion of clan vs game time in events
- Your Clan Noticeboard broadcasts will now use colour with important bits highlighted in red.
- If you haven't logged in for over an hour and log in when an event has less than 60 minutes to go until it starts you'll get a reminder message in your chat box (This can be toggled off)
The following has been added to the noticeboard
- Raids & Elite Dungeons have been added to the PvM category
- Invention and Portables have been added to the Skilling category
- Safecracking has been added to the Minigame category
- Guthix Caches & Demon Flash Mobs have been added to the Event category
- Borehole now says Vorago in the event place category
- The following has been added to the event place category
God Wars Dungeon 2 bosses Helwyr, Vindicta, Twin Furies & Gregorovich
Invention Guild
Clan Chat
Combat Academy
Lost Grove
Eastern Lands - Waiko
Eastern Lands - Goshima
Eastern Lands - Islands that were once Turtles
Eastern Lands - Tuai Leit
Eastern Lands - Whale's Maw
Eastern Lands - Cyclosis
Deep Sea Fishing
Armadyl's Tower
Behind the Scenes
Gower Farm
- Years 2012 - 2017 have been removed from the Noticeboard
That... is all of it, now I want to know, is there any of this you'd like to see ahead of time? I can provide GIFs/images of any of the above if you want clarification on how it works, because well it affects the running of your clan!
Also any small requests you'd like to add for Ava rework, shout!
I'm so immensely pleased with this project and I feel like it's going to make such a huge difference to you all when it goes live, I have no dates for that
... but whenever it hits it's going to blow you away.
Please, please, please give me all the feedback you can this update is pivotal for your clans and I want it to be the best it can be
Mod Shauny - RuneScape Community Management - Goebies! - @JagexShauny
I love Clans!

I'm at that point where I literally think I've added as much as I can for Avatar Rework, here's the FULL release list.
Clan Avatar
- The Avatar Warden Job title is no longer required to summon an avatar,
- Clans with a Avatar Habitat are no longer capped to three Avatars, each player can now have one each if they wish, the Clan Avatar is now, accessible via the Pets > Follower Pets window (Note: You need a Avatar Habitat active, as well as activating your weekly boost to see this)
- You no longer need to pay for Clan Buffs, as a result Orts have been removed from the game.
- The Avatar Gather resources action can now be accessed via the Avatar Control Stone
- You can now customise your avatar options via the Avatar Control Stone located near your Avatar Habitat
- You can now activate your weekly buff at your Avatar Control Stone located near your Avatar Habitat, once activated you choose between a base XP boost of 3% which can increase up to an additional 3% XP if your Fealty is rank 1, 2 or 3 OR a Skill Plot Bonus which increases the clan resources gained from that Skill Plot by 50%, whichever buff you choose lasts a week and can be switched out and/or renewed at any time
- The buff icon for a Clan XP boost now only shows one icon and the total % of additional XP you're getting.
- A buff icon has been added which shows when your Skill plot bonus is active
- Clan admins can customise the clan's avatars' appearance at the control stone
- The Clan Noticeboard no longer shows the status of Avatars and the Players holding them
- Avatars will gather while summoned as pets in the Citadel, gathering the currently set resource, up to a weekly maximum shared by the clan which scales based on the Habitat tier
- If you store the Clan Avatar in your Menagerie it'll have a special appearance for the time it's there
- A buff icon has been added which shows when your Skill plot bonus is active
The following clan avatar buffs have been removed
- Heal Over Time
- Familiar Faces
- Auto Ort
- Random Resurrection
- Protector
Clan Citadel
- The following Clan Citadel skillplots have had their XP increased by 20% from level 80 up to level 99:
- Crafting
- Mining
- Smithing
- Firemaking
- Woodcutting
- The active obelisk at the summoning skillplot will now switch every 30 seconds (previously 17 seconds)
- You can now train at Citadel skillplots with skilling urns in the corresponding skill.
- The chance to break a root while training at the Citadel woodcutting skillplot has been reduced
- Based on the amount of Orts you've earned prior to the Avatar Rework update we've given you a Citadel booster.
- 1k > 9.9k - 1 booster
- 10k > 49.9k - 2 boosters
- 50k > 99.9k - 3 boosters
- 100k > 200k - 4 boosters
- The Woodcutting, Mining and Firemaking Skill Plots will now grant more clan resources when skilling on them.
- A clan broadcast message has been added (which can be toggled) which'll tell you when your clan has hit your target goals for your resources, as well as telling you when all clan resource goals have been met
- Your Adventure's Log will now have an entry added for when you reach Clan Fealty rank 1, 2, or 3
- Furnace full & skill plot locked messages will now appear in a red infobox for easier visibility
- When skilling with fellow clan members at the same time in the Citadel, the resource gain has been slightly increased, the more members you gather resources with at once, the better the gain!
- Clan Resource gain is now shown in the XP popup alongside the XP drop you've gotten
- The Summoning Obelisk will now recharge your Summoning Points when using it
- When you first cap after hopping to the Citadel, a message will come up saying how many other clannies are capping with you and the % capping boost you're receiving, this appears once per login when you try to cap.
The weekly member requirement to upgrade a Citadel has been decreased, new numbers below (old numbers are in brackets)
- Tier 1 > 2 : 5 (7)
- Tier 2 > 3 : 7 (10)
- Tier 3 > 4 : 12 (15)
- Tier 4 > 5 : 15 (20)
- Tier 5 > 6 : 20 (25)
- Tier 6 > 7 : 25 (30)
Clan Changes
- Using a Clan Vex or Clan Cloak on a Clan member will now give you the option to give it to them
- When leaving a Clan you are now prompted to provide a reason why you left the Clan, ranks with the right permission to see the "has left the clan broadcast" will be able to see the reason provided by the leaving Clan member.
- You can now decide which ranks can now kick members from the Clan
- You can now set a specific value for Colour on your Clan's Motif, as well as be able to get the current value of that colour in case you want to share it
- A +13:00 and +14:00 option has been added to the Time zone menu in Clan Settings
- If you decide to rename your clan you can now check if a clan name is available before taking it
- When you recruit a clan member the name of the recruiter is added to the join message allowing clans to track who's recruited who
- A pop up box appears when you're invited to the clan initially (you still need to click the message in the Chat box to accept the invite)
Clan Log
A clan log has been added accessible to Admin+! When inside your Citadel right click the 'I' icon in Clan Chat and click 'Clan Log' and it'll provide you the following details (these numbers reset when the Citadel rebuilds itself at it's specified build tick)
- Size of your clan (how many members are in your Clan currently)
- How many members have visited the Citadel this week
- How many members have capped at the Citadel this week
- As a result of this, the broadcast message that goes out when you cap will now tell your clan how many members have capped at the Citadel this week.
- How many members have hit Fealty at the Citadel this week.
Clan Login message
A clan login message has also been added! Accessible to Deputy Owner+ via right clicking the 'I' icon in Clan Chat, this allows you to write up a custom message to display to clan members if they've been logged out for more than 6 hours when they next login (Clan members who don't want to see this message can toggle off the message if they don't want to see these anymore).
Clan Chat
- An option to mute individual clan members has now been added to Clan Settings
- If said clan member has been muted they have an icon displayed to the right of their name in Clan Settings
- When muting a clan member a broadcast will be sent to admin+ informing them of the player who's been muted/unmuted
- Clan Chat now shows total number of players in the chat
- Clan Chat now shows the total number of members in your clan on hoverover of your clan name
- Clan Guest chat now shows total number of players in the chat
- Ban List now shows number of players banned
Clan Noticeboard
- Your Clan Noticeboard will automatically broadcast a reminder to your chatbox when the event has 60 minutes, 30 minutes, or 5 minutes to go.
- The Clan Noticeboard and Clan Noticeboard Broadcast interfaces have had a text revamp and clearup
- The Clan Noticeboard now only uses game time to stop confusion of clan vs game time in events
- Your Clan Noticeboard broadcasts will now use colour with important bits highlighted in red.
- If you haven't logged in for over an hour and log in when an event has less than 60 minutes to go until it starts you'll get a reminder message in your chat box (This can be toggled off)
The following has been added to the noticeboard
- Raids & Elite Dungeons have been added to the PvM category
- Invention and Portables have been added to the Skilling category
- Safecracking has been added to the Minigame category
- Guthix Caches & Demon Flash Mobs have been added to the Event category
- Borehole now says Vorago in the event place category
- The following has been added to the event place category
God Wars Dungeon 2 bosses Helwyr, Vindicta, Twin Furies & Gregorovich
Invention Guild
Clan Chat
Combat Academy
Lost Grove
Eastern Lands - Waiko
Eastern Lands - Goshima
Eastern Lands - Islands that were once Turtles
Eastern Lands - Tuai Leit
Eastern Lands - Whale's Maw
Eastern Lands - Cyclosis
Deep Sea Fishing
Armadyl's Tower
Behind the Scenes
Gower Farm
- Years 2012 - 2017 have been removed from the Noticeboard
That... is all of it, now I want to know, is there any of this you'd like to see ahead of time? I can provide GIFs/images of any of the above if you want clarification on how it works, because well it affects the running of your clan!
Also any small requests you'd like to add for Ava rework, shout!
I'm so immensely pleased with this project and I feel like it's going to make such a huge difference to you all when it goes live, I have no dates for that

Please, please, please give me all the feedback you can this update is pivotal for your clans and I want it to be the best it can be

I love Clans!
06-Jul-2018 12:22:22 - Last edited on 06-Jul-2018 12:44:28 by Mod Shauny