Hello everyone
I can confirm the following QoL update has passed WIP QA and I'm looking to try and get it released in the near future, here's what you can expect
- Add Citadel tier to clan log
- Add a right click option to Clan Log to broadcast the Clan Log stats (Visitors, Fealty, Cappers) that week (admin+ ONLY)
- Permission restrict who can view the clan ban list to admin+ by default but allow a clan to toggle it so all recruits can see who's banned if they wish
- Allow recruited members who left a clan chat then left a clan to be joined straight into a clan chat when recruited to a new clan
- Add an additional warning to Clan Owners trying to leave a clan that they can just demote themselves to remain in the clan
- Allow owners to demote themselves to Overseer or lower
- Allow a clan member to click on the "time to rebuild" layer in the Citadel interface to broadcast to the clan how long is left until Clan Citadel resets
- Push welcome back clan broadcasts to the respective clan chats
- Push a broadcast out to tell the clan the name of the clan member who's moved the Clan Build Tick
- Fix the clan avatar customise permission tooltip
- Make the upgrade from Tier 6 to Tier 7 Citadel actually show up as Green on the interface if you've had 25 visitors
- Convert the Clan Noticeboard editing interface into an Overlay, allowing you to create/edit events while in combat/skilling
- Add a event reminder broadcast to automatically fire when the event has 15 minutes to go
- Add a event reminder broadcast to automatically fire when the event has 12 hours to go
- Add a event reminder broadcast to automatically fire when the event has 24 hours to go
- Add a clear all events button to the clan noticeboard (right click clear event to get to it)
- Add a bank pin check on a Clan Login message
- Add a broadcast to tell the clan what the Clan has been renamed to
- Add a job title "Replacement owner" to allow the clan to see who would assume ownership of the clan if the owner stepped down
- When right click examining a Clan Avatar, show that clan's information to the player in an interface
- Allow Clan Avatars to contribute 15 clan resources every 10 seconds instead of 5 clan resources every 10 seconds
I hope these updates will be useful to you all!
Mod Shauny - RuneScape Community Management - Goebies! - @JagexShauny
I love Clans!

I can confirm the following QoL update has passed WIP QA and I'm looking to try and get it released in the near future, here's what you can expect

- Add Citadel tier to clan log
- Add a right click option to Clan Log to broadcast the Clan Log stats (Visitors, Fealty, Cappers) that week (admin+ ONLY)
- Permission restrict who can view the clan ban list to admin+ by default but allow a clan to toggle it so all recruits can see who's banned if they wish
- Allow recruited members who left a clan chat then left a clan to be joined straight into a clan chat when recruited to a new clan
- Add an additional warning to Clan Owners trying to leave a clan that they can just demote themselves to remain in the clan
- Allow owners to demote themselves to Overseer or lower
- Allow a clan member to click on the "time to rebuild" layer in the Citadel interface to broadcast to the clan how long is left until Clan Citadel resets
- Push welcome back clan broadcasts to the respective clan chats
- Push a broadcast out to tell the clan the name of the clan member who's moved the Clan Build Tick
- Fix the clan avatar customise permission tooltip
- Make the upgrade from Tier 6 to Tier 7 Citadel actually show up as Green on the interface if you've had 25 visitors
- Convert the Clan Noticeboard editing interface into an Overlay, allowing you to create/edit events while in combat/skilling
- Add a event reminder broadcast to automatically fire when the event has 15 minutes to go
- Add a event reminder broadcast to automatically fire when the event has 12 hours to go
- Add a event reminder broadcast to automatically fire when the event has 24 hours to go
- Add a clear all events button to the clan noticeboard (right click clear event to get to it)
- Add a bank pin check on a Clan Login message
- Add a broadcast to tell the clan what the Clan has been renamed to
- Add a job title "Replacement owner" to allow the clan to see who would assume ownership of the clan if the owner stepped down
- When right click examining a Clan Avatar, show that clan's information to the player in an interface
- Allow Clan Avatars to contribute 15 clan resources every 10 seconds instead of 5 clan resources every 10 seconds
I hope these updates will be useful to you all!

I love Clans!
14-Nov-2018 11:09:57 - Last edited on 14-Nov-2018 11:10:04 by Mod Shauny