I guess we figured out how it happened but now need little help from Jagex to test it out.
Clanny says:
"The only thing I can think of is that my laptop is touch screen
I very rarely use the touch screen though
But have done in the last few days"
Imagine, there can be some others using the same type of laptop?
And if there is an error then it needs to be either fixed or announced that innocent players can get caught using it, so avoid it till they work on better detection methods.
Worst is to treat someone unfairly and leave them banned without chance to appeal, without chance to prove their innocence. And when short ban wears off players would play again but without knowing - what exactly happened? How to avoid it? My clanny was shocked about message saying he risks to get his account permanently banned.
If now Jagex is genuinely interested in fix they should test it, perhaps working together with my past co leader, let him play using touch screen and see if it alarms bot detecting systems?
My clanny says:
"Definitely! I would be up for that. If they want, I'll travel to Cambridge and bring my laptop to them. It's only about an hour and a half away"
Or Jagex can ask the name and type of laptop, get the same and test it out themselves. Or do it some other way, like streaming it live, letting him play as he did.
I guess Jagex can even find out it remotely what type of computer someone is using. At least they were able to do so in past, it was used to identify account true owners who used the same and one computer and internet for years.
I'm very interested in solution. As I said, he is a great person, part of my clan leadership, pleasant to work together and deserves something better than just happened to him.
20-Nov-2016 13:13:46