As you all may/may not have known, this year's Clan Cup has come to a close.
Here are the results!
Combined Cup Winner
- Cheekyscrublordz
PvM Cup Winner
Wrack City
Here are the winning submissions & Top 3 for each specific week. -
PvP Cup Winners:
P2P EoC 15v15 -
PvM Addicts
P2P Legacy 15v15 - PvM Addicts
P2P EoC Fullout -
Wicked Fury
F2P EoC 15v15 - Wicked Fury
F2P Legacy 15v15 - Wicked Fury
F2P EoC Fullout -
Shuu Zone
F2P Legacy Fullout - Warlords Union
On behalf of the entire Clan Cup 2016 team, we'd like to thank everyone who competed, signed up, and expressed interest in the Cup this year. Without you guys this wouldn't have been possible. A second thank you to all the organisers, Mod Shauny, and Mod Matthe for supporting us. The Cup would not have run at all without the teamwork you guys put in <3
Now that it's over, we’d really appreciate it if everyone here filled out this survey (
). Please only respond to the Cups that you participated in/were interested in (EG. If you did not participate in any Cups, just fill out the First and Last Section). Thanks again everyone!
- Clan Cup 2016 Team (Calm Enigma, Geeoh, Hopalong, 2cool2care, Carbon, Ceecs, Chibi, Fire Hawk154, Gluepot, Jamo, Lisaa, Sani, Sooko, Sperry)
(reddit post for updooting:
Leader of the
Slayer Nest
. Join us today!
16-Nov-2016 18:55:44
- Last edited on
16-Nov-2016 18:57:43