Hey all, I have some terrific news to share!
The clan QoL update has passed RC QA and is confirmed to go into the game update next Monday
Here's the full details!
Add Citadel tier to clan log
Add a right click option to Clan Log to broadcast the Clan Log stats (Visitors, Fealty, Cappers) that week (admin+ ONLY)
Permission restrict who can view the clan ban list to admin+ by default but allow a clan to toggle it so all recruits can see who's banned if they wish
Allow recruited members who left a clan chat then left a clan to be joined straight into a clan chat when recruited to a new clan
Add an additional warning to Clan Owners trying to leave a clan that they can just demote themselves to remain in the clan
Allow owners to demote themselves to Overseer or lower
Allow a clan member to click on the "time to rebuild" layer in the Citadel interface to broadcast to the clan how long is left until Clan Citadel resets
Push welcome back clan broadcasts to the respective clan chats
Push a broadcast out to tell the clan the name of the clan member who's moved the Clan Build Tick
Fix the clan avatar customise permission tooltip
Make the Citadel Tier upgrades actually show up as Green on the interface if you've hit the right number of visitors for your respective tier
Convert the Clan Noticeboard editing interface into an Overlay, allowing you to create/edit events while in combat/skilling
Add a event reminder broadcast to automatically fire when the event has 15 minutes to go
Add a event reminder broadcast to automatically fire when the event has 12 hours to go
Add a event reminder broadcast to automatically fire when the event has 24 hours to go
Add a clear all events button to the clan noticeboard (right click clear event to get to it)
Add a bank pin check on a Clan Login message
Add a broadcast to tell the clan what the Clan has been renamed to
Add a job title "Replacement owner" to allow the clan to see who would assume ownership of the clan if the owner stepped down
When right click examining a Clan Avatar, show that clan's information to the player in an interface
Allow Clan Avatars to contribute more clan resources every 20 - 30 seconds, for example a Tier 7 Storehouse will now have 15 clan resources added each time whereas previously it was 5
Clan Avatars can now be dismissed on the first attempt via the Pets interface
The Clan Noticeboard can now save events more reliably!
Get hyped for Monday?
Mod Shauny - RuneScape Community Management - Goebies! - @JagexShauny
I love Clans!
The clan QoL update has passed RC QA and is confirmed to go into the game update next Monday

Here's the full details!
Get hyped for Monday?

I love Clans!
16-Nov-2018 16:11:39