
CLD - July Ideas

Quick find code: 86-87-29-66034459

Oct Member 2010


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Heya guys

Please find clan leader ideas from the Clan Leader Discord , this is the 9th edition of the monthly thread of ideas that have been produced and discussed by Clan reps. This is an ongoing activity where clan reps can share their ideas at anytime in which is then relayed to CLF.

This has a total of 23 clan reps ideas and 2 JMod ideas.

- CLF Voting Participation Form (From Post 2)
- Top 10 Ideas for July (From Post 3)
- Ideas posted by Mod Shauny (From Post 5)
- Ideas for July (From Post 6)
My physique is a product of my mindset

Taiwanese Aussie Physique Bodybuilder

11-Aug-2018 13:18:37 - Last edited on 11-Aug-2018 14:29:48 by Macka

Oct Member 2010


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Clan Leader Discord would like to invite those only on CLF to participate in Voting!
Please feel free to use the template below, vote on each corresponding clan idea by listing the number in either Upvote/Downvote/Neutral, and post.

= Interest / Support
= No Interest / No Support
= Neutral / Don’t Mind / Don’t Care


Template for CLF Votes on the above Month’s Clan Ideas:

Voting to
Voting to



Voting to Upvote: 2, 5, 6, 7, 10

The total CLF Votes will be tallied and displayed at the end of the month.

Credit to Jigzag
My physique is a product of my mindset

Taiwanese Aussie Physique Bodybuilder

11-Aug-2018 13:18:46 - Last edited on 11-Aug-2018 14:36:01 by Macka

Oct Member 2010


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Top 10 Ideas for July

J4ron - 07/06/2018
If possible, so that we & Jagex know the true thoughts of the ironman community, have the following votes (only allowed to be voted on by ironman accounts above a certain total level) using the in-game polling system.

'do you want ironman accounts to have access to the skill plot (100%/50%) bonus' - 75% to pass

'do you want an increase in the citadel xp ironman accounts receive (would still be lower than normal accounts, but higher than currently)' - 75% to pass

18 upvote

1 downvote

Le Serenity - 07/06/2018
Want to bring up a couple ideas regarding Clan Job Titles.
Add the ability to hover over clanmate's name in clan chat to show their Clan Job Title. Toggled on or off for guests, clanmates, higher ranks or toggled off all together for clans who don't use titles.

27 upvote

5 neutral

Jigzag - 07/16/2018
Create a purpose/benefit for the resources t7 Citadels waste because more is gathered than what can be applied to the following citadel build week.

20 upvote

1 downvote

The Gays - 07/17/2018
Allow clans to change the capitalisation of their name through the scribe without having to change their name to something else or having to get the attention of a jmod

23 upvote

Warrior - 07/18/2018
Allow clan leaders to choose whether the skill plot goals are set automatically according to their upkeep. E.g. if upkeep is 500 for woodcutting plot, a goal of 500 will be set automatically after the citadel resets. Plot will remain unlocked.

23 upvote

1 neutral
My physique is a product of my mindset

Taiwanese Aussie Physique Bodybuilder

11-Aug-2018 13:20:06 - Last edited on 11-Aug-2018 14:11:23 by Macka

Oct Member 2010


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Top 10 Ideas for July Continued

Astromonocle - 07/18/2018
If you have Max Fealty & your clan has a Dragon, add the ability to teleport straight to your Citadel on your Dragon with the animation similar to the Pegasus Teleport

19 upvote

ZeroTheGod - 07/22/2018
A clan cit agility course using the clans citadels roof turrets and wall area as an agility course adding in a few extra obstacles to make it interesting agility is something difficult to go round and train giving them a choice to do so in the clan citadel would boost the numbers going to the citadel?

22 upvote

3 downvote

2 neutral

J4ron - 07/26/2018
have a 'guest in clan' option on clan info box (if clan is open to guests)

29 upvote

J4ron - 07/27/2018
When examining a player, have clicking on their clan name open the clan info box.

27 upvote

1 downvote

J4ron - 07/28/2018
A mock-up of a proposed updated clan info window (credit to @Jigzag for making this)

31 upvote
My physique is a product of my mindset

Taiwanese Aussie Physique Bodybuilder

11-Aug-2018 13:26:06 - Last edited on 11-Aug-2018 14:11:50 by Macka

Oct Member 2010


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Ideas posted by Mod Shauny

Mod Shauny - 07/12/2018
Show world icons where applicable to show which members are on what worlds? Here's an example

39 upvote

10 downvote

6 neutral

Mod Shauny - 07/26/2018
Ava rework post release:
When right click examining someone's avatar shall it show the Clan's info box like this?

48 upvote

1 downvote
My physique is a product of my mindset

Taiwanese Aussie Physique Bodybuilder

11-Aug-2018 13:26:45 - Last edited on 11-Aug-2018 14:24:11 by Macka

Oct Member 2010


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Ideas for July

Whossane - 07/06/2018
A notification/clan broadcast an hour or so before the build tick if your citadel is in danger of not meeting upkeep and dilapidating.

17 upvote

1 downvote

Le Serenity - 07/06/2018
Add in a column between Rank and Member columns which shows Clan Job Title. Could be toggled OR each clanmate could be given a default title such as "Clanmate" for the clans who do not use these titles.

6 upvote

18 neutral

J4ron - 07/11/2018
change fealty from 'x amount of actions' to exactly halfway in the cap.

19 upvote

5 neutral

rQQ - 07/15/2018
With the upcoming Clan Updates some people feel that the T7 Citadel has definitely been more devalued since it has lost some of it's exlusivity (like having access to 3 avatars on different worlds) due to the avatar rework to have everyone access avatars. Also since most if not all benefits you can literally access from most prior citadel tiers.

The proposition:

Please give a more non-cosmetic meaning to achieving T7 Citadel and being fully Capped (Fealty 3) by granting members 7% xp bonus instead of the 6%. This will be a true reward/testament to the clans that have achieved T7 Citadels.

This will also in a way make up for the indirect devaluing of Tier 7 Clans that have lost its jazz for obtaining T7 besides the cosmetics of it, and will be a big congratulations to all the clans in in the past/today that have worked hard to achieve T7 prior to the requirement nerfs for T7 and would be a great compensation for all that work.

17 upvote

13 downvote

4 neutral
My physique is a product of my mindset

Taiwanese Aussie Physique Bodybuilder

11-Aug-2018 13:30:07 - Last edited on 11-Aug-2018 13:30:44 by Macka

Oct Member 2010


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Ideas for July Continued

God of Pride - 07/16/2018
A clan cosmetic armor set that changes in appearance based on how much clan exp you have.

7 upvote

11 downvote

9 neutral

ZeroTheGod - 07/18/2018
Have a large cake appear in the clan citadel every year of when the clan was formed as a way for clans to celebrate there founding?

12 upvote

6 neutral

J4ron - 07/18/2018
the ability to have 3 vex presets (effectivley what max cape has). Would help new clans wanting to try out designs and existing clans who change their designs for limited times (ie cancer awareness)

6 upvote

7 neutral

Freud - 07/19/2018
Replace the world icon with an icon to hover over to see what clan job has been assigned

3 upvote

9 downvote

3 neutral

Jigzag - 07/19/2018
Have Jagex run clan cups again.

14 upvote

3 downvote

2 neutral

rQQ - 07/19/2018
Instead of showing random amount of mini avatars "for show" at the habitat after the clan/ava update, replace the mini avatars's with the bigger version'd counterpart (example below) dependent on Citadel Tier:

Tier 1: One big-sized avatar
Tier 2: Two big-sized avatars
Tier 3: Three big-sized avatars
Tier 4: Four big-sized avatars
Tier 5: Five big-sized avatars
Tier 6: Six big-sized avatars
Tier 7: Seven big-sized avatars

4 upvote

11 downvote

15 neutral
My physique is a product of my mindset

Taiwanese Aussie Physique Bodybuilder

11-Aug-2018 13:32:25 - Last edited on 11-Aug-2018 14:24:53 by Macka

Oct Member 2010


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God of Pride - 07/22/2018
So I'm an ironman and I've long been thinking about ways to try to give ironmen a reason to go to the Citadel, because it's actually a really nice place, but there's no incentive to do so, so maybe this would help that. (Goes without saying, this is available to mains as well)

Okay so I'm super tired and apparently that's when I come up with crazy ideas, and I randomly thought of this, so bear with me. Citadel bosses. We touched on it before briefly about a week or so ago.

What if we had the ability to obtain soul fragments from bosses.. Say for example, you need 1000 fragments to form a complete Boss Soul. You take the soul fragments to the to the Clan Citadel, and place them at a device at the center of the Obelisk.. and when capping that, you help to create a Boss Soul.

The Soul can be assembled there with clannies, and you're either given an item, or some type of passive effect that would give you the bonuses listed below.

Benefits include:
Greater chance of unique drops.
Rare chance of loot being doubled (not uniques)

These benefits are justified based on how long it would actually take to create a Boss Soul. And because the benefits are reasonable significant, players shouldn't be able to have this benefit active for like 1000 kills or anything, but it could be reasonably tailored for certain bosses.

For example:

10 Vorago kills with this benefit, and maybe 50 Vindicta kills.

17 upvote

4 downvote

4 neutral

Faiza - 07/31/2018
Implement runescape enabled skilling challenges within clan or against other clans please other sites etc. don't always work right (EXP, levels, etc.)

17 upvote
My physique is a product of my mindset

Taiwanese Aussie Physique Bodybuilder

11-Aug-2018 13:33:04 - Last edited on 11-Aug-2018 14:25:07 by Macka

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