When recruiting people, some of them say: can't join, your clan has a citadel. I won't cap, I avoid any clan with citadel, I don't want to be begged or nagged or reminded to go there.
When I say to them that nothing is mandatory in my clan. When they do it, it's appreciated, when they do not, we're still fine most of time. Inside I think what if something happens and I exceptionally need their help?
Reading some comments - when citadel was great?
I was clanleader years before it. J Mods hinted to us that clans area is coming. We dreamed about it, discussed what fun we want to see there, we had a lot of enthusiasm but poor dreamers like we were - had absolutely no idea, no beta, no polls, we knew nothing about it. Clan leaders in this forums knew nothing about the grind that is coming.
When citadels were released a lot smaller clans collapsed, merged or lost their most curious and dedicated members who wanted to try out new content and felt they are willing to work for it while others step out. I saw it hitting us like a train if I let it go wild, so I did a lot to make citadels fun and make it great to us. Contests, prizes, recruits...
My clan had big dislike against it. I had to convince many. We adapted the update nicely. Clan leaders forum was big uproar against it because a lot of funlovers here had to force their people to cap and it was far from fun...
Everything was calming but now to us it became important if our people are logging in, coming online for citadel visit. Not even cap, back then we also had to meet visits number. Was it even 50 visits per week? While upkeep was taking under 20 clannys work.
Soon EoC destroyed us, a lot players ragequitted, part never returned or went OS later. Small clans who tried to build citadels saw the game dieing. We didn't know what tomorrow brings. When OS was released, small part of OS members came to EoC to cap, visit, help their clans while starting their accounts from zero in old game.
17-Jul-2017 00:03:25