I have found, charged and turned in all the other engrams. I found the world gate engram but can only examine it. I can't prestige until I pick up and charge this engram. The others went fairly well, but I can't figure out what went wrong here. I think I have completed necessary quests, including the World Wakes. Is there a special trick to this engram?
Make sure that you have fully completed the tutorial and that you don't have it in your bank. I know that these factors have caused problems for players in the past.
No, nothing in my bank. The tutorial was completed. Am I missing a quest or something? As I said, all the others were picked up, charged and everything. Just this one won't work.
I'll link the wiki article (runescape.wiki/w/Engram), but as far as I'm aware, you don't require a quest for the engram.
The only other thing that I could think of is that you already have it in over at the pool of energy. Are you able to prestige to reset the engrams to see if that works?