
CoreHunting FC V1 Thread is locked

Quick find code: 75-76-649-66019118

Nov Member 2017


Posts: 27 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~~~~~~~ Welcome to CoreHunting FC ~~~~~~~
~~~~~ Core Memory Hunting Thread V1 ~~~~~

Thank you for coming out and checking out our FCs! Founded June 11th, 2018.


If you are here, you either want to join the FC or want to learn how to efficiently gain XP from the pool room at the Memorial to Guthix. The concept is simple, filling memory jars at the memorial offers great xp rates, with some of our FC members achieving rates of >500kxp/hr in div before bxp on the first day of release. The best way to fill jars is to fill them via core memories, which open up at the center of the room after 6 core memory fragments have been placed on the plinths at the north side of the room.

How it works:
Members of the FC will call out worlds that have a core memory open or ones that are almost open. You go to those worlds with memory jars in hand, and click the statues in the center.

***post in progress**

12-Jun-2018 18:19:38 - Last edited on 12-Jun-2018 20:33:37 by Eckohs

Nov Member 2017


Posts: 27 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~~~ PAGE 1 ~~~

Page1 Post1) Introduction
Page1 Post2) Table of Contents
Page1 Post3) Chat Rules
Page1 Post4) About the activity/Reqs
Page1 Post5) Calls/Abbreviations
Page1 Post6) Ranked Rules
Page1 Post7) Contact us
Page1 Post8) Efficient use of the activity
Page1 Post 9) FAQs
Page1 Post10) Credits

~~~ PAGE 2 ~~~

Page2 Post1) Updates to post

12-Jun-2018 18:20:00 - Last edited on 12-Jun-2018 18:50:52 by Eckohs

Nov Member 2017


Posts: 27 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chat Rules: (adapted from Evil Tree FC, thanks guys)

1.) Follow ALL Runescape rules, enjoy yourself and respect others! Offensive language, racism, or disrespectful comments will not be accepted in the chat. This includes all offensive abbreviations and account names.

2.) Ranks moderate the FC and keep things running as smoothly as possible. Please listen and follow their requests.
If you have an account name that is deemed offensive by any ranked member you may, at the discretion of the rank, be contacted via pm, asking you to please change your name if you wish to remain in the chat.
Seriously offensive names and language (racist, profane, disrespectful comments etc.) will result in an auto kick and, should they breach RS rules, will be reported to Jagex.
Only ranked players may moderate in our FC.

3.) Please report any worlds with an open core memory, or those with 4/6 or 5/6 plinths filled. For example:

W2 5/6
W3 aagi
W76 Juna dead

More examples of calls found in posts below.

4.)If you have an issue with a rank or another member of the chat, please respect the other players, and pm the person you’d like to talk with rather than confronting in the chat.

5.)Please TRY and limit slander of Aagi and Seren, they can't help that they are low xp rates.

12-Jun-2018 18:20:05 - Last edited on 12-Jun-2018 20:37:09 by Eckohs

Nov Member 2017


Posts: 27 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
About the activity:

Requirements: be level 70 divination and be a member

How to get there: Teleport to memorial via Guthix Memory Strands, click on pool
(alternative path: Eagles Peak Lodestone, north to memorial, click pool)

How it works:
1. Collect empty memory jars from the east side of the room.
2. Jump to worlds that the ranked calls.
3. Fill those memory jars via clicking on the spawned core memories in center of room.
4. Turn in full memory jars at the north of the room for xp.
5. For efficiency, see the efficiency post below.

Important notes:
1. The #1 most important thing to do to maintain FC efficient XP rates is to use collected memory fragments ONLY on worlds with 4/6 or 5/6 plinths filled.

2. There are 5 different memories that fill up your jars at different rates. The fill rates, from fastest to slowest, are...

Cres > Sword of Edicts (just called sword) > Juna > Seren > Aagi

3. There are other things to do in this room other than hunt core memories (discussed below)

12-Jun-2018 18:20:09 - Last edited on 12-Jun-2018 21:23:38 by Eckohs

Nov Member 2017


Posts: 27 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Calls are very important to this FC, as the core memories are only open for roughly 2 mins at a time. Therefore, efficient calls are warranted!

1. Please call the # of plinths on your world if you are not on the world of the FC. As their are 6 plinths, please call them by their fraction of plinth completion. For example:

W2 5/6
W3 4/6

This allows us to plan for the next worlds that are upcoming.

2. Please call what type of memory pops out of the flower when it spawns. This is either Cres, Sword, Juna, Seren, or Aagi. For example:

W2 Juna

3. As we need to be efficient and also know which worlds offer full-time (all 2 mins!) of harvesting potential, we ask that you:
**PLEASE call worlds that you stumble upon with open cores using unique modifiers**
For example:

W2 Juna ua (unkown age) (this is the current preferred)
W2 Juna?
W2 Juna random

4. When the memory ends, please call it dead. For example:

W2 Juna dead

**If a world is VIP or has a special modifier, please call that too**

12-Jun-2018 18:20:43 - Last edited on 12-Jun-2018 21:21:38 by Eckohs

Nov Member 2017


Posts: 27 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Efficient XP:

1. The different types of core memories fill jars at different rates. It is currently suspected that Divination level affects the success rate of filling jars. The rate at which jars are filled, from fastest to slowest, are...

Cres > Sword > Juna > Seren > Aagi

2. Rates of jar filling for Aagi and Seren are comparable to the rates received harvesting the faded memory next to the core memory. Use at you discretion.

3. Always jump worlds for a Cres or a Sword call.

4. Hold onto every core fragment you get for use in 5/6 or 4/6 worlds. This allows you to jump and open the flower for yourself and the FC. Please call "6/6" or "opening" or "fresh" when jumping to a 5/6 with the intent of placing the 6th fragment.

12-Jun-2018 18:43:29 - Last edited on 12-Jun-2018 20:19:15 by Eckohs

Nov Member 2017


Posts: 27 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

1. Can I join this FC just to fulfill requirements for cape requirements?
Absolutely! Join up, get your 5 different statues quickly, and maybe decide to stay awhile for some sweet, sweet div xp rates.

2. Should I stop harvesting from [statue] to collect knowledge fragments when those spawn? Is it better xp?
We don't know, figure it out and let us know :) Hard to tell, really, when 50+ people are going after the fragments. Knowledge fragments seem to be better xp, though.

3. What do the little memory storage bots do?
You can fill those via their respective memory types on the outskirts of the room. They give you permanent perks in the divination skill. Seemingly the only one that affects this activity is the t90 automaton, which is grants better rates at the faded memory next to center. These t90 buffed rates are possibly faster at filling urns than Aagi and Seren.

4. I'm not receiving 550kxp/hr?
550k xp rates are achieved via divination urns, urn enhancers, the div outfit, avatar bonus, and an average set of core memory spawns. (You can also redeem bxp in this activity, which is NOT included in the 550k/hr possibility.)
Expected "inefficient" rates are said to be 185k/hr without 2t clicking, and 300k/hr with 2t clicking with no boosts of any sort.

5. What is 2t?!
2-tick skilling is a well known non-afk skilling method (also known and confirmed to be non-exploitative be Jagex jmod Iago on reddit post on June 11th, 2018.)
Tutorials on 2-tick/2t clicking can be found elsewhere.

6. Should I jump worlds for a Cres or a Sword?
Yes, the answer is yes.

7. Can I bank full jars/Core memory fragments?
You cannot, so make sure you use up your jars or your core fragments before moving onto another activity (preferably use cores within FC).

12-Jun-2018 18:43:46 - Last edited on 12-Jun-2018 20:25:11 by Eckohs

Nov Member 2017


Posts: 27 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
FC credits:

First off, thank you to JAGEX! We love this activity because sure its more div xp, but it also is a noncompetitive activity where working together as a group actually gives significantly higher xp rates.

Credits to all of the hard work done by...

Insulated- FC Owner

...and anyone else I missed for the hard work in figuring this out, making calls, creating alternative FCs, calls, scouting, etc.

12-Jun-2018 18:43:51 - Last edited on 12-Jun-2018 21:22:28 by Eckohs

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