Rules of Friends Chat:
0. Follow all Jagex and game rules. Banter allowed.
1. Must listen to callers during war calls, no objections.
2. Active membership.
3. Positive Behaviour.
4. Respect all FC members, do not flame each other; if you do not agree with certain opinions please express your thoughts in a polite manner or do so in private messages.
5. Do not defend FC’s enemies we are facing off against. They are enemies for a reason: possibly they hacked, scammed, backstabbed someone from FC before; it will cause unnecessary drama.
6. Do not attack FC members unless we are in free-for-all(FFA) “Green portal” games. You may request a fight if desired but do so respectfully.
7. Do not report FC members, we are a community and we do talk inappropriately at times - but a personal attack is strictly prohibited.
8. Do not abuse power if you are of high rank - if someone is asking a question, please be courteous and take your time to answer and explain it to them.
9. Do not ask for ranks. Your rank will reflect your contributions.
10. Do not leak information - backstabbing the FC will result in a permanent ban. Loyalty is highly valued.
11. Do not spawn kill friends chat members repeatedly. Allow them to escape the base/grave if possible.
Our ranking system depends on a variety of aspects which add up to how much you are contributing to the success of the FC. Rank-ups are given by general ranks when they feel it is necessary.
Things that will help with rank ups:
- Recruitment
- Advertisement
- Idling in the Friends Chat
- Helping others increase their skill
- Bumping Threads
- Activity in Wars, Events, Crashes and Antistacks
- Positive Behavior
- Defending Players in our community and the Friends Chat itself
- Showing leadership when appropriate
24-Feb-2019 07:31:54
- Last edited on
24-Feb-2019 08:43:24
Strange face