my actuall legit question is " why has jagex been aiding raggers bro" like this is not something to be proud about for real "raggers" are the ones killing ur pvp in game leme gear in all tank gear and over heads and just cross bow someone repeatedly and not let them pk, but then when u call them out for it u get muted? like are u kidding me jagex? why on earth do u guys have a profanity filter that is toggalable if ur still going to mute people for useing the option to untoggle it, no one here is 10 years old anymore on osrs we are all adults, when u muted my baby account u legit aided people in ragging for f2p, and guess what everyone starts out pking.... oh yea in f2p, so when u do this not only are u huting the game for new players but ur damageing the legit stabization of pvp, ragging is suppost to fall under rule #14 and always has been but in the last few years u guys have legit alowed people to get away with it legit to the point they have multiple accs and demand payment, witch is another rule break witch is "acc or player services" someone needs to respond to me plz bc im actually really mad about this situation, and when the ingame chat showed exactly what i was talking about with the dude typing first talking crap im the one getting muted and punished this whole thing is completly backwords, then when i legit appeal it and explain the situation u add more mute days like thats utter bull crap and i hope everyone knows it
make pvp great again!!!!!!!!
25-Jul-2023 23:27:11