To improve the grand exchange a little, make it so inactive discontinued rare sell offers on ge are automatically cancelled after a year without logging in fully.
This includes logging into the lobby, so players can still login to lobby and not have to worry about losing any discontinued rares they put on ge for sale years ago and see if any of their old friends are still online before logging out to wait a year.
Players who have a discontinued rare in ge sale will get a message in lobby letting them
know "Warning. you have an expensive item offer in the Grand Exchange that will be sold for far less than it's worth if you login.".
This will let the player know to not login fully, saving themselves from potentially losing a purple phat like that guy who lost 2 purps a month ago.
This change is automatically implemented for all players and can't be toggled, and isn't polled.
I'd hate to see more phats get instasold on ge and the original owner is forced to never login otherwise they lose that phat.
03-Feb-2022 23:17:08