The Solite and Lunite Armor need a few medium quality of life upgrades.
The Solite armor looks great, but my only complaint is that it's cape(like Lunites) looks like a solid piece of cardboard. It's jarringly square, completely 2 dimensional and that really takes away from how nice the texture looks.
And the Lunite Armor needs some contrast on it's animated textures. It was only when I saw a looping gif on the wiki, did I realize it was actually animated. The animated texture looks like it's a flat unmoving texture... So It would be nice if you could up just up the contrast on Lunites Animated textures, so the animation can actually be viewed. Or better- Give it more of an 'aurora' look like it's concept work showed. The Lunite cape is also too stiff and cardboard-like.
You need to pay the full way to get either cape.... So really, how they look isn't really... acceptable. There are tons of existing capes in the game; and so development-wise it shouldn't be too difficult to use an existing cape model as a base for a solite and lunite cape redesign.
The armor just rereleased; so it would be a good time to give it a quality of life update. Would be super appreciated! I actually really like the armor sets. It's just a shame that The Lunite one seems more unpopular because it doesn't LOOK like it has animation like solite does.
29-Nov-2022 23:35:51
- Last edited on
29-Nov-2022 23:55:04