Add the following to make them worth doing. I hardly see anyone else do either in 2023:
Add a hard mode bork. He will have phases and mechanics like instantly respawning ork legions that do eoc mechanics, and no safespots with better loot. Add a loot chest in edgeville bank that holds all the loot bork drops in case ppl forget to pick up the drops.
Add a miniature bork and ork legion pet to bork.
Add a tradeable title scroll that rewards "The Borkslayer" title when read (making Bork a legit moneymaking method).
Add the ability to right click varrock armour 4 to check if you've done bork for the day, so you don't need to teleport there if you've already done daily bork. And finally, stop bork from instantly depleting your summoned conjures when he phases at 21k health.
It's annoying when I have to resummon my conjures again at bork when he phases.
Add a hard mode phoenix. She will summon phoenix egglings that attack in the fight and reborn warriors that do eoc mechanics. Add a loot chest outside the phoenix lair entrance that holds all loot obtained inside the phoenix lair instead of getting feathers in inventory.
Add a tradeable reborn monster pet token, uncommon chance to get a tradeable sapling of the 5 different trees in the lair which can be planted in your poh or fort tree skin, add a rare chance of unlocking the ability for your phoenix hatchling to grow to full size and add a tradeable title scroll that rewards "The Reborn" title when read.
The tradeable phoenix rewards will make the phoenix more worth doing and maybe even worth using daily d&d tokens on.
12-Nov-2023 01:33:54