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Hi S L 0 T H
I'm posting primarily to let you know that I removed the other thread on this topic and told care of the typo here for clarity.
On topic for your suggestion, I'm wondering if you could be more specific about how much leniency (not sure that's the right word) you're suggesting. How long are you thinking the non-membership should be allowed before it counts against the crowns?
I dont think there should be a leniency I think it should just go by how much time you have been a member for the loyalty crowns. Lets say you have played for 20 years but played 2 years at a time with breaks inbetween being a year or 2 long but accumulated 10 years of membership paid you should get a 10 year membership loyalty crown. Although it was not 10 years non-stop you still gave them 10 years of membership just like the people who paid 10 years straight. For example mine says member since 2016 so its a slap in the face that because I let my membership relapse for a few months or a year I cant really remember what happened that the prior 10 years are just forgotten about and seem to be unappreciated. Yes they have capes that show from the time the account was created but I feel as though they drop the ball on the Loyalty crowns.
14-Aug-2022 07:29:51