My suggestion is to add bots to minigames due to the fact that they are rarely if ever played anymore. Minigames such as Fist of Guthix, Soul Wars, Castle Wars, etc. Some offer minigame specific items that could be useful. When I started playing RS3 again I wanted those RuneCrafting gloves to maximize my experience gain. The problem? FoG was dead on the official world, the most populated world and also during peak hours for my location. I also wanted to get an Imbued Ring of Charos since it offers stat bonuses but Soul Wars is dead.
I'd like to reiterate that I would prefer bots at this point, not a campaign to revitalize the minigames. Shouldn't be hard to notice that the only people that seem to play anymore are the max level veterans. I used to love Stealing Creation when it first came out because it was about who can support their team the most with the skill or the combat experience they've gained. Would I want to play it against max level veterans now? Hell no.
So the suggestion is to add bots of
levels in skill and combat. There should also be varying levels of difficulty for the bots to mimic players who have little to a lot of combat experience or Easy to Hard. Also just for the fun of it to make it feel more lively have the bots engage in a little trash talk and random nonsense.
Could also be limited to the official worlds for each minigame. An example of how I envision this system to work is that the player enters Team A, after a moment the system detects there is only one player so it starts spawning randomized bots in both the Enemy team and the players team. Of course, if another player enters the system will adjust.
Hmm...thinking about if two max player accounts join one side maybe the system should spawn two max bots?
28-Sep-2022 00:47:41