Gem bag, Herb bag, Ore box, Clue bag, Statue pieces bag (w/e the name is)...
ALL bags share the same functionality:
Items collected/picked up are stored
in the bag
All these bags are free to get.
Why do seeds still come in inventory
Why do you have to click fill on the bag to get them in
Why is the functionality worse than free items - while this one costs quite a lot.
Please add the "autofilling" functionality to Seed bag.
Owner of **
The Ultimate Choice
** clan (TUC)
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Draco Burnz
Just add it to toolbar so you dont have to click the bag itself.
but then he has to click the action bar
one click is too many clicks!
I very much agree with adding the 'fill' function universally across all storage bags. I'd come onto the forum to suggest specifically for the seed bag and happy to see the suggestion existed already.