The Player Owned farm is hands down the feature in this game with the most potential and I feel it is extremely underutilized.
To increase its utilization, please implement an auction house for players to post Checked animals (unchecked are already available on GE). I think this would allow players to trade off wealth in and out of this profession more effectively and increase overall player interest in this feature.
Were an auction house for Player Owned Farm animals to be implemented, please include the following filters with multi-select checkbox filters and adjacent fields with drop-down options:
* Animal
(optional adjoined filter) * Sub-Species
* Growth Stage
* Trait Name [up to 3] (This would allow specific breeder animals to be sought after)
* Number of Traits
Please also allow the option to Block Seller. If you are tired of seeing listings from a particular player, allow a quick option to block listings from them.
16-Sep-2023 06:30:03