Let's have a forum God Wars!
Each god starts off with 50 points. Each person who posts has to hurt one god (by taking away two points) and heal one god (by adding one point). No double hurts, no double heals -- gotta make your choice!
Here's an example of how it should work (and how the posts should be formatted, for readability's sake):
Player 1:
Original message details are unavailable.
Blue: 5 [hurt -2]
Red: 8
Green: 19 [heal +1]
Yellow: 0 (killed off on Post 359)
Player 2:
Original message details are unavailable.
Blue: 6 [heal +1]
Red: 6 [hurt -2]
Green: 19
Yellow: 0 (killed off on Post 359)
And so on. Doesn't have to be this exact formatting, of course -- bold or italicise whatever you like, or just write "-2" instead of "[heal -2]", as long as it's clear what you've done! But please copy and paste the current state of all the gods into every post, so everyone knows what's going on.
Finally: no double posting! You can't double/triple/quadruple post your least favourite god to death, that's cheating
So, here are the starting positions (with my hurt/heal added on to start us off):
Original message details are unavailable.
Amascut: 50
Armadyl: 50
Bandos: 50
Guthix: 51 [heal +1]
Icthlarin: 50
Saradomin: 48 [hurt -2]
Seren: 50
V: 50
Zamorak: 50
Zaros: 50
(and just a note: anyone's free to take over hosting this if I'm ever inactive)
Each god starts off with 50 points. Each person who posts has to hurt one god (by taking away two points) and heal one god (by adding one point). No double hurts, no double heals -- gotta make your choice!
Here's an example of how it should work (and how the posts should be formatted, for readability's sake):
Player 1:
Original message details are unavailable.
Blue: 5 [hurt -2]
Red: 8
Green: 19 [heal +1]
Yellow: 0 (killed off on Post 359)
Player 2:
Original message details are unavailable.
Blue: 6 [heal +1]
Red: 6 [hurt -2]
Green: 19
Yellow: 0 (killed off on Post 359)
And so on. Doesn't have to be this exact formatting, of course -- bold or italicise whatever you like, or just write "-2" instead of "[heal -2]", as long as it's clear what you've done! But please copy and paste the current state of all the gods into every post, so everyone knows what's going on.
Finally: no double posting! You can't double/triple/quadruple post your least favourite god to death, that's cheating

So, here are the starting positions (with my hurt/heal added on to start us off):
Original message details are unavailable.
Amascut: 50
Armadyl: 50
Bandos: 50
Guthix: 51 [heal +1]
Icthlarin: 50
Saradomin: 48 [hurt -2]
Seren: 50
V: 50
Zamorak: 50
Zaros: 50
(and just a note: anyone's free to take over hosting this if I'm ever inactive)
Questcaping the Finally Questcaped
Runefest attendee 2017-2019
05-Mar-2017 10:13:36