Welcome to my first idea for a game!
The game "Make a Poem About the User Above" is super fun, so I thought I´d make a spin on it and have each poster write about themselves!
The game:
~ Your post must describe either:
a) Your day in RS
b) Your forum avatar
c) You IRL
~ It must be some form of poem. It does not have to rhyme(!) , but it has to have some sort of rhythm
~ You may reply to the poster above if you want to, but it must also be in the form of a poem, and cannot replace the poem about you!
Welcome and Greetings and Hello!
Alaerian is my name for sho'!
My day was super fine,
I just trained my summoning to 99!
I might change my forum hood,
But I adore my quest cape, I don't think I should.
I´m going to a birthday party in an hour or two,
But since I didn't ask for permission, I won't say for who!
The game "Make a Poem About the User Above" is super fun, so I thought I´d make a spin on it and have each poster write about themselves!
The game:
~ Your post must describe either:
a) Your day in RS
b) Your forum avatar
c) You IRL
~ It must be some form of poem. It does not have to rhyme(!) , but it has to have some sort of rhythm

~ You may reply to the poster above if you want to, but it must also be in the form of a poem, and cannot replace the poem about you!
Welcome and Greetings and Hello!
Alaerian is my name for sho'!
My day was super fine,
I just trained my summoning to 99!
I might change my forum hood,
But I adore my quest cape, I don't think I should.
I´m going to a birthday party in an hour or two,
But since I didn't ask for permission, I won't say for who!
... ¸¨¸
. Alaerian .
¸¨¸ ...
',¸¸,' ...
' ...
... '
... ',¸¸,'
,¹'ˆ'¹›.,¸;¸,‹¨ ¸°°¸ ... ¸¨¸ . Akoran . ¸¨¸ ... ¸°°¸ ¨›,¸;¸,.‹¹'ˆ'¹,
',¸¸,' .... '.,¸¸,.' ... '.,¸;¸,.' ................... '.,¸;¸,.' ... '.,¸¸,.' .... ',¸¸,'
',¸¸,' .... '.,¸¸,.' ... '.,¸;¸,.' ................... '.,¸;¸,.' ... '.,¸¸,.' .... ',¸¸,'
01-Jun-2014 14:47:21 - Last edited on 01-Jun-2014 14:55:55 by Akoran