Hi, how are you?
I myself am fine, thanks for asking.
The aim of this thread is to post what you think Albert Einstein's last words were. If you don't already know the tragic story, his last words died with him - the nurse at his bedside did not understand German!
"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."
- Albert Einstein, 1944
Simply post below what you think one of the most intelligent human beings who ever lived exclaimed on his deathbed. We will never know, but we can certainly guess! Also, for those odd, obvious, and downright oblivious quotes, there is always the fabled Hall of Fame!
There are, of course, a few rules to be applied. The rules are (but not limited to) the following:
- No profanities (ie. offensive / obscene / religious material)
- No spam
- No naming other players
- All other Jagex rules apply
Oh, and please only post one / a few ideas per post. This will result in a more efficient thread.
Thanks, and enjoy!
~v~ Jellyfish25 ~v~
Hall of Fame
This fabled Hall of Fame is for those utterly entertaining ideas.
I will re-phrase all ideas with good grammar!
- Jackxcite
"Get someone...who can speak...German!"
- Vraelthewise
"Give me five Sharks and an Anti-poison!"
- Hiwayhellman
- Izzy5962
"I don't mean to sound negative at all, but I think dy-..."
- Awson Rew182
"I should have invented the defribulator..."
- Jerk On Ice
"Bring me a bedpan!"
- 123456789it
"You can re-attach it, right?"
- Evil Elvis1
"Got milk?"
- Shining One9
"Phr33 st00f p10x!"
- Zezima1121
"Red wire to green wire, green wire to..."
- Bigkomodo360
(Please refer to P50 for this entry, as it's content is too big for this modest Hall)
- A Real Fool
"Hey, you're a pretty nurse- *beeeeep*."
- Red Lion V
"Can you pass the salt?"
- 5jncarn
"When I die, put me in an elevator and push the "UP" button."
- S S Inu Yasa
"My last philosophy shall be my greatest...We are all creatures of shoelace, lost in purple."
~v~ Jellyfish25 ~v~
21-May-2007 16:46:38
- Last edited on
15-Jan-2008 20:35:37
Remember me... For my... Inventions!
`˜“°º×º°”˜´ `˜“°º×º°”˜´ `˜“°º×º°”˜´ `˜“°º×º°”˜´ Jackxcite `˜“°º×º°”˜´ `˜“°º×º°”˜´ `˜“°º×º°”˜´ `˜“°º×º°”˜´
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