Either rounding up a bunch of people for an in-game streaking session (we make it look like that, we can't actually do that); rounding up a bunch of people to use either an easter ring, bone brooch, ring of stone, or ghoul mask and get them to turn into that object in one location; or rounding up a bunch of people for a slayer bell/crystal chime ringing session.
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.
Ultimate snowball fight in the middle of the kharidan desert. A bunch of people with the snowglobe that summons snowballs to your inventory throwing them at each other in the middle of the kharidan desert all wearing wintery outfits.
*Laughs manically*
*Enters the g.e. and launches an army of pluralised Nex (is it Nexes or Nexs?), various Tokha'ar, Vorago and pretty much every boss you can imagine - and some you can't*
Not really any reason to do so, I just think it would make me laugh watching all those people who are bankstanding perish and dropping a few high-end goods along the way.
If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than you are now.
Play 2012 version before EoC
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play the version 2012, before Eoc and all the changes.
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- Do not try to pretend to be a Forum moderator only posts with a green border on them are those of a Forum Moderator and itll be very obvious if you do!"It's against the forum rules. Simple as that.