
Cyun's Miscellanea

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Posts: 2,389 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Welcome, welcome! Come in, make yourself comfortable and have a read if you please. I'd be very grateful.

I'm more or less a poet, but I do like to dabble in other forms. Here you will find an odd amalgamation of prose, poetry, drama, essays and everything in between. I like to think myself as a writer of original thought, if that can be achieved. At times it may be perplexing, obscure, recondite or downright absurd, if so, I've achieved my aims - but I do hope you enjoy them too.

{^^}_{^^}_-¥- Novelist ~ The Novelists' Guild -¥-_{^^}_{^^}
,··,¸,·´¸·´¸•¹¹•,¸¸,·-·, ............ 'Best Poem' ............ ,·-·,¸¸,•¹¹•¸`·¸`·,¸,··,
',¸¸,.·´ .. ',¸,' The Novelists' Guild Excellence in Writing Award ',¸,' .. `·.,¸¸,'

,··,¸,·´¸·´¸•¹¹•,¸¸,·-·, ........... Bes† Story' ........... ,·-·,¸¸,•¹¹•¸`·¸`·,¸,··,
',¸¸,.·´ .. ',¸,' The Novelists' Guild Excellence in Writing Award ',¸,' .. `·.,¸¸,'

Winner of the Novelists' Guild's Christmas Story Competition 2013

18-Oct-2013 16:24:08 - Last edited on 05-Feb-2014 14:25:38 by Cyun



Posts: 2,389 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

The train that night was taking a longer route.

Not that he minded; he had a cabin to himself. Behind his wire spectacles there were two pellucid eyes narrowing in the dusty gaslight. His pupils probed the ink scrawled hastily over the amber-lighted document, scrolling, squinting, scrutinizing, then, disentangling the cords of letters in a flicker of an eye, piercing its nexus of semantics, after moving on to the next word almost instantaneously.

Sometimes his gaze fixed. He would then look up, and peer between the gaps in the curtains outside to the flux of scape surging past his window. Whatever he hoped to find beyond his bubble of the mind, the vesicle of abstract consciousness whispering cryptic keys and enigmatic key-holes, he did not find the solution outlying in the snow. He would then sigh in a crestfallen manner, and resume to his reading.

It must have been past midnight when a woman’s shadow knocked behind the glass of the door. The snow was falling heavily and silently like a suffocating pillow upon the trembling face of the earth. The only sound was a petulant cough out in the corridor and a gentle murmur of the engine.

“Come in.” The woman seeped into the room, not unsteadily. She was wearing a fashionable black dress which clung to her waist and puffed her shoulders and buttocks, a dotted veil covering all but a pair of scarlet lips. The man in the cabin failed to notice this, though. The alien who had entered his yolk from the white obscurities of other life had pierced the film of his thought. But he was hard-boiled.

18-Oct-2013 16:24:36 - Last edited on 18-Oct-2013 17:22:55 by Cyun



Posts: 2,389 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Mikhail Voykov?” Her tongue was bespoke Georgian. It purred pronunciation like warm honey oozing in a cloud of black bees. Voykov never did have a sweet-tooth. He broke off from his papers on the table, and hid them with his coat.

“Yes. Is there a problem?”

“Not at all, Mister Voykov. I have come to drink your milk.” There was a pause, too long to be coincidence.

“I see. Well, sit down Miss—?”

“Kuzmin.” She perched on the seat opposite.

“Is that true?”


*Good.” Voykov sat back and cleaned his spectacles, while the lady watched.

“My superior would like to know what happened in Omsk.” She took out a cigarette, lit it, and puffed a haze into the cabin. Before long the nebulous would consume them from glancing onlookers through the corridor window.

“What happened in Omsk is of no concern to you, nor your superior’s.” He said, placing his spectacles back on his hooked nose. “Why is he not here himself?”

“Is my gender an annoyance to you, Mister Voykov?”

“I am indifferent. I normally only transact information directly. It leaves the words intact and the meaning unrefined.”

“I have never met a man to be indifferent.”

“I do not want your seduction.”

“I doubt that, Mister Voykov, but it was worth a try nonetheless.”

“I have lots of reading to do, Miss…?”

“Kremer.” She leaned over, pressing her white bust against the table. The gaslight emblazoned her skin with a soft glow. “I shall not leave the cabin, Mister Voykov, until the details of the Omsk riots are given.”

“Then I may see you here again when I make a return journey.” She laughed, glinting perfect teeth and a pinkish tongue.

18-Oct-2013 16:24:49 - Last edited on 18-Oct-2013 16:54:24 by Cyun



Posts: 2,389 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“You are a silly little man, Voykov.” Despite himself, he smiled.

“And you are a silly girl, Miss Krasin.”

“Krasikov.” The man nodded and pursed his lips. He removed his coat from the table-top and quickly folded his files, placing them away into his briefcase. A photograph slipped out and fell upon the carpet beneath the table. The woman’s eyes behind the veil glinted behind the smoke like heating coals. Voykov saw her, and then made a lunge under the table. He got to his knees and his spectacles slipped off his nose. The woman stamped a heel through the portrait’s face, and jerked it towards her. Voykov tumbled down, clutching her ankle.

“You damnable snake! Give it to me!” The woman kicked him in the face with her other heel, spraying blood on the seat and onto her dress. Voykov dazed for a second then reached up and grappled her throat with his bony fingers. “You witch!” Her eyes began to bulge, but her hands spidered up his back to his face, her long nails tearing at his skin. His grip loosened, and she shoved him over the table, cracking his skull on the copper panelling. She then plucked the photograph off her heel; the person in the portrait had the bearded face of Julius Martov protruding from a fur coat. His neck had been replaced with a large hole. She walked over to Voykov.

“I shall take the documents by force. The Bolsheviks shall be pleased.” She looked down at him, collapsed against the door with blood pouring into his slanting mouth and down his jawline. “We could have had such fun, you and I.” Voykov managed to gurgle something. “What, little man?”

“Go to hell, Kramarov.” He spat. The woman smiled and slammed her heel into his throat. His head whacked the glass, and blood spurted up the panel. Voykov crumpled down into the carpet.


18-Oct-2013 16:25:00 - Last edited on 18-Oct-2013 16:54:50 by Cyun



Posts: 2,389 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Creag de Òran


How could such a monstrous night as this be so cold and abundant in water, when so juxtaposing to very infernal pits of hell it reminds one of. Yet both are the abode of the dead. The nature of the terror it ensues is irrelevant, whether it is within the bottomless of water or the abyssal of fire, for both are scenes of horrendous power.
The sheer irrepressible immensity blared out far and wide across the copious ocean, past glassy cliffs and torrential bullets. The water and the air fused in turmoil, roaring the clap of the gods and spewing the cascade of their dwellings in the upheaval of havoc. There was a constant vigor and momentum between the two divides of the seascape, as both parties tried to conquer one another to gain its dominion. The equivocating waves, augmenting to preposterous heights, clawed from their murky depths to the frenzied sky. The volleying deluge, spat in icy pellets from the driving obscurities above, shot down into the swell of the stretching nadir.

A flash and fork of lightning blazed the hills and halls of lyart cloud, and rippled in the oscillating plane, revealing briefly a small ship, riding the merciless onslaught of the mammoth waves. A metallic cloying taste fizzled in the squall. The boat tossed precariously, toppling the toy-like passengers aboard it as if played by in a child’s foamy bath. Thunderous cacophonies boomed overhead from a cavernous mouth in the slate sky. The murky brows twitched like a tail of a beast, and seemed to bore hungry stirring eyes from within the folds. Then a towering upsurge erupted above all the rest, and clashed down upon the helpless ship, and it dispersed in the pleating water, never to be seen again.

18-Oct-2013 16:25:34 - Last edited on 18-Oct-2013 17:36:08 by Cyun

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