
The Grand Theft!

Quick find code: 49-50-904-65558517



Posts: 36 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Grand Theft
Authors note:
The ages continue on as the everlasting ride of time speeds forth to the sixth age.
The town criers rave, the city riots have ceased, but little be known of a plan that could change the community
far more than a dragon raid. Let your mind settle, let your true side show, are you about quantity or quality?
Let's go on an adventure together and find out who is really our friends or foes. Enjoy the read.

Sub intro:
As the hero you are, continuously making way from city to city, helping many strangers and familiar faces that be-seat you. have
you took the time out of the day to stop skilling, stop questing or slaying vicious creatures to actually look backwards
in time to see what you've really done? Do you believe you're a good Samaritan? do you not care? either way unknowingly
you are about to become more then just a face on the history pages.

21-Jan-2015 11:03:38



Posts: 36 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Part 1: Greed

Guild-master Darren Lightfinger, has been assigning many tasks for new recruits, old friends looking to get back into the game for a quick cash stack, even letting the homeless take a chance at the life of a thief.

And so you have history with this man, yet do i say he's much more of a weasel. Stealing; ancient artifacts, a gorge of gold coins, and many rare items
across Gielinor, he has yet to stop. Darren's hands are that of air, his feet couldn't wake a sleeping guard dog, but
his heart was cursed with a plague of greed.

Darren and his Chief Thief, Robbin have been talking, rumor from the walls say.
A plan that will ruin communities, utterly destroy the trades among cities, and even enough greed to enrage wars from beneath our feet.

21-Jan-2015 11:05:37 - Last edited on 21-Jan-2015 11:36:15 by Barban



Posts: 36 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Part 2: Involvement

Not a normal day in Gielinor, you're feeling a bit on the dark-side today. You've already stolen some cake from the stalls of Taverly which you could have clearly paid for since you've pick-pocketed an innocent shopping guard a few minutes before.

As if there's an evil presence in the air, as pheromones to ants you take no side-thoughts and go along with the flow of nature. Confident you are
today to do mischief across the lands you make a stop by the ole' Thieving Guild to catch up to speed with Guild-master Darren Lightfinger.

You make your way to Lumbridge to the secret location, making sure the coast is clear you climb down into the chamber. Darren greets you
kindly with smiles and an offer of their finest stolen Ale. You accept and cheerfully carry on into conversation:

Darren:"Ah! Hero, if i never seen another day! Great to have you back"
Hero:" The pleasures all mine, it feels wonderful to creep back into the life of secrecy"
Darren: "And secret it must stay, what brings you about?"
Hero:" I've come in regards of another task, you know. Loosen the ole' fingers"
Darren: "hmm.. i see, how about a good ole' fashion mug?"
Hero:"Darren, you know i can handle more than a mere penny"
Darren:"i do say you are quite skilled..."
*interrupted by Robbin*
Robbin: Darren, what about you know.."
Darren: "stop! it's not time!"
Hero" not time for what?"
Darren:"Oh! nothing haha just a silly idea we've discussed"
Robbin" sure, an idea.. that could possibly become reality, say if someone.."
Darren:"Why must you continue to speak of this!"
Robbin:"You're our greatest thief Guild-master but i know when i see potential"
Hero:"he's right! i can do anything!"
Darren:"A bit too confident don't you think?"
Hero: "would you rather i be a mouse to a lion?"

21-Jan-2015 11:08:13 - Last edited on 21-Jan-2015 11:38:49 by Barban



Posts: 36 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Part 3: Introduction of the plan.

*You leave with a mind full of what is yet to be revealed to you.*

On the rocky journey to the small town of Draynor, you go over a few things to yourself; "what must the wise old man have to do with this?
I've always been skeptical him.. and his hat."

*You've made it to Draynor, knocking politely at the door of the wise old man hoping he was expecting you. You hear a voice from within:

Voice:"come in Hero"

As you enter, the wise old man is gazing into the globe of Gielinor in the corner of the room, mumbling something suttle to himself before
acknowledging your presence.

Sage:"Hero, I've been told by a little bird you're interested in a "job""
Hero:"Anything, just anything, i can handle even the most daring."
Sage:"Well, i don't have just anything. Now, you know I've seen more than what others have, and even then pictures could prove it so. But
have you ever heard, or even yet to be, SEEN what lies beneath the Grand Exchange?"
Hero: "that's just silly, there's nothing but dirt and pipes below!"
Sage: "If dirt and pipes, were the new currency i'd say you'd be a rich young lad"
Sage:"As a youngster I've done my mischief, growing older I've became much more experienced in thieving through my adventures, and it was
passed down from my Grandfather who use to work for the king of Varrock, who told me of the stories of below.
Hero:"But, wasn't the Grand Exchange recently constructed?"
Sage:" Recently, yes. But how do you hide something longer, that has never been seen before?"
Hero:" oh my.. that's ingenious!"
Sage: "so are you up to exploring this challenge?"
Hero:" Yes."
The Wise old man tells you to return to Darren to confirm your briefing, and that you'll be geared within the Head Quarters.

21-Jan-2015 11:10:48 - Last edited on 21-Jan-2015 11:39:17 by Barban



Posts: 36 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Part 4: The Green light.

Stepping down the chamber, passing through the security systems, you re-group with Darren, and Robbin who are both sitting at a table near, with
blue prints of what looks to be the Grand Exchange.

A short warm greet is given, but the tone in Darren's voice sounds cold, bitter then usual.
You continue with the briefing.

(secrets told)
*the briefing passes*

Darren:"now, you are to speak not one word, are we clear?"
Darren:" You are to be met by a man named of Miles, Make haste! it has begun"

21-Jan-2015 11:12:14 - Last edited on 21-Jan-2015 11:27:48 by Barban



Posts: 36 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Part 5: Client with Miles

Entering the great city of Varrock, now shunned upon by Priffdinas, you make your way to the Grand Exchange. You notice a man formally dressed,
with a brief-case and approch him with the secret code of meeting.

Hero:"The water has skin, the mountains crumble"
Miles:"and so does milk and cookies"
Hero"What's the deal Miles?"
Miles:"come with me"

You and miles walk through the grand exchange making your way to the middle, in front of the fountain.

Miles:"The key is in in the water, against the wall nearest to you, you will meet with a client of mine who will then show you
what it unlocks, good luck and dear i may say, may the gods be in your favor"

Miles walks away humming an old Gielinor classic "above the city"...

You quickly check to see if no one is looking, and slide your hand into the water feeling against the fountains stomach for the key, after
three tries you succeed. Obtaining the key, you quickly make haste to change into the disquise provided amongst briefing. A few moments
pass and the fountains water stops, and empties out like a fish bowl. Now dressed in your disquise you meet back with the mysterious client of
Miles, who looks exactly of how the Bankers would.

Client:"Greetings, you must be the plummer, our fountain has had much troubles lately!"
Making sure the other bankers could hear him, and acknowlede your presence before heading down into the chamber.
Hero:"That would be me, let's take a look at what frog jumped in this time."

21-Jan-2015 11:13:43 - Last edited on 21-Jan-2015 11:16:38 by Barban



Posts: 36 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The client takes you around into the booth and into a hidden slide door on the wall where the bookshelves hang.

Your eyes widen as the secrets and curiosities explode in your mind.
Hesitantly you take a step onto the first step of the descending stairs. Moving too slow the Client gives you a shove.

Client" Right this way, sir."

the door closes from behind, now in private the two-faced banker cuts the act.

Client:" Look this has to be quick, we are on the clock, I've smuggled for years small bits to provide for the running of our Guild, but now it's our time to shine. May the Thieves of Gielinor rise! Mwuahaha!"
Hero:" i'm still here..."
Client:" right. Back to work follow me"

21-Jan-2015 11:15:15 - Last edited on 21-Jan-2015 11:29:54 by Barban



Posts: 36 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Part 6: The Grand Secret

Fully down the stairs, through an entrance hallway the last lock of several is unlocked with the key you provided. The Safe Master Key.
The gears in the door click and violently shake as the doors open. Your eyes squint at first from the illuminated mountains of Gold shining
against your skin, the gold is so precious, so pure you can feel it's warmth like that of the sun. Weapons hang tough on the western walls,
potions and gathering supplies create a flowery aroma as if walking into paradise. The client slowly leads you into the chamber taking a deep

Client:" You see what i mean?.. this.. this is life."
Hero:"*your throat goes dry as you try to swallow*

21-Jan-2015 11:16:00 - Last edited on 21-Jan-2015 11:30:45 by Barban



Posts: 36 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Part 7: Your conscience

As the client inhales a deep breath and takes a moment to himself thinking of the possibilities and boundaries exceeded.
You snap out of your sinister state and start to realise what is happening, this isn't just a normal task, nor quest.
The decision is now yours. Are you a real thief? Evil enough to rob the Grand Exchange and its allies goods. Or will you try and stop the man
you're working with and turn over the secrets, and plans of the Thieving Guild?

You thought it was an easy-flowing life didn't you? decisions were made that you can now regret, or see amiable. Doing this new job you could
ruin cities, children will starve, a great plague will rise not in just Varrock alone; Maybe it doesn't matter, it's all about you isn't it?

You're free to now post, i hope you enjoy the read, i've left quite a few things out, but enough to let your mind get the basic idea of my story, it would be an amazing Quest though! ;)


21-Jan-2015 11:16:14 - Last edited on 21-Jan-2015 11:32:55 by Barban

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