Gielinor is a world at war.
From the ruins of West Ardougne to the swamps of Morytania men are dropping like flies. Trolls advance from their homes to pastures anew. Empires that were once great are broken. And some - not all, but some - declare themselves Gods, and march north and south to allied lands to take what they believe is rightfully theirs.
As new Kings are declared to replace the old, Gielnor is twisted into a land that is undergoing its first true world war, and will be changed forever in the process.
Welcome to Tales From East and West!
It's been a while since I've contributed to the story forum so let's all play nice, unless you think I suck in which case feel free to give your critic's opinion.
TFEAW is going to be a massive time sink for me. If I get the chance to see it through to the end, then great! If you get the chance, then, well, good luck. It's going to take a lot of space; the introductory 'chapters' are together a little under five thousand words.
Something that should be noted is that this does not follow the timeline of the game world - the God Wars happened, yes, but the player does not exist and neither does the Sixth Age. Some rulers are the ones we know, some are not.
I make the attempt here to keep the main 'cast' a mix between actual citizens of Gielinor and the land itself. Chapters are not labelled by people, but by the lands. The current lands being followed are Kandarin, Misthalin, The Fremenik Province and Al Kharid. If you're following a character who's journey is in the Misthalin chapters who suddenly disappears, he's probably made his way into Al Kharid!
Confusing, eh? Yeah, I decided to do it on a whim. So, now that you've read this far, are you willing to read the epic tale of war?
No, I didn't think you were.
((Please wait for three pages of reserves. Thank you!))
31-Aug-2013 16:03:33
- Last edited on
31-Aug-2013 20:53:04