
~The Anthology II~

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A White Wolf

A White Wolf

Posts: 8,377 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hello, and thank you for taking the time to click this thread.
As you may have recently noticed...The Anthology, forum staple for TWENTY-THREE months has maxed.
To correct this grievous and terrible tragedy, I have decided to go against what I said two years ago when I made the Anthology, and stick around to re-post it.
But forgive me. Where are my manners?
I am The White Wolf. It is my sincere pleasure to introduce The Anthology II, the official re-make of the original smash hit, the Anthology.
Now comes the tricky part, the part where I have to get you riveted enough to stay and read my stories.
My writing is considerably different than your average Runescape-based tale, and for several reasons.
Reason 1: I am a horror writer, which virtually doesn't exist in this forum.
Reason...well, ya know what? I'll let you see why I'm different.
As always, my disclaimer.
If you are in any way sensitive to extremely graphic depictions of blood, gore, torture, incredible pain, death, the supernatural, demons, (The list goes on for a while) then DO NOT READ THIS.
By continuing to read you admit to me that you are a fan of the occult, the bloody and the graphic and that you won't be offended by any of this.

Copyright 2005. The White Wolf Productions.
(Yes, this is a legal copyright. If you steal my work, I can and will sue you.)

19-Jun-2008 03:37:49 - Last edited on 05-Aug-2009 23:15:16 by A White Wolf

A White Wolf

A White Wolf

Posts: 8,377 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If you've gotten this far, apparently you're intrested in what I'm offering.
Now, the goal for this thread and the meaning of the title.
An Anthology is a collection of short stories, whether they be from different authors, or all the same author.
My forte, as you most likely already know, is Horror. However, in the long period that the previous Anthology was alive, I've branched out a bit. I hope you enjoy.

19-Jun-2008 03:38:10 - Last edited on 19-Jun-2008 03:39:35 by A White Wolf

A White Wolf

A White Wolf

Posts: 8,377 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Page 1-2: The Tomb - A tale of greed and betrayal, a tragic twist on a classic morality play. GRAPHIC CONTENT
Page 2: Twilight's Shadow - The introduction to the novel of the same name I'm writing. It's good as a stand-alone piece as well.
Page 4: The Forest - A mysterious tale of darkness and death, clad in verdant greenery. GRAPHIC CONTENT
Page 5: The Return of Zaros - Have you ever wondered what it takes to bring back a god? EXTREMELY GRAPHIC CONTENT
Page 7-9: White as Snow - My most famous piece, back by popular demand. Not exactly a short story, it's the first bit of the novel I plan to have published later in life.
WHITE AS SNOW HAS NEW MATERIAL. In re-posting, I discovered I'd omitted an entire three post section from the first posting.
Page 10: The Worst Written Story Possibly Ever -'s a kitten...>:-D GRAPHIC CONTENT
Page 11: You've Got Mail - The terrifying tale of what lengths a grieving man will go to just to ease his sufferings.
Page 12: The True Tale of How Sir Prysin REALLY Got His Room - posted by popular demand, the only piece in the Anthology with absolutely no action/horror elements at all. See the Wolf's talents in a new genre.
Page 13: VFD - True valor shines in modern day heroes. My Tron-test Valour entry.
Page 28: Of Elves and Swords - Betrayal by those you once loved is a messy affair. A two-post short made for TIGA.
Page 38: Sacrifice - A short piece about a young man looking for what he's lost. Written for Chuklz's Tales from the Tavern collection.
Page 41: Saradomin Strikes - A very, very short piece written for Jagex's Big Ticket story contest.

19-Jun-2008 03:38:11 - Last edited on 17-Apr-2010 21:45:58 by A White Wolf

A White Wolf

A White Wolf

Posts: 8,377 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
where do you get this kind of fame?
i've heard of you, while browsing lesser threads.
these are great. i can see you deserve your reputation.
you MUST tell me when you get a book published in REAL life!!! lol, your writing is, how should i say it?, amazingly, brilliantly awesome.
no, but seriously dude, you have big POTENTIAL.
just let me know wen u publish your book in real life lol. ;) :D, ill buy it for sure!
How do you make this? Sound... So... Good!
I hope one day I could produce something like that.
Your stories are incredible, excellent work. My complete support and hope that you wil continue..
Holy Moly....
Omg i think you know how to write and stuff...
this is some of the best work i've seen...keep it up m8. Best work I've seen
Awesome stuff
Wolfy, how do you write horror stories that have just enpugh psychotic emeotions and gore to make it balanced? Lol, what do you do?
Wow. These stories are.. amazing. Only read TOMB, but still. Creepy.
Gosh dangit dude! I'm afraid to sleep.
10/10. Amazing. Just completely amazing. No amazing review.
Are you tring to kill people here?!? I'm scared half to death! White as Snow was the best story by a wee little bit, but Return of Zaros was just plain out creepy.
I love the way you took somethign htat nobody writes about, horror, and made it something that everyone would want to do. These stories are not for the weak stomached. Their amazing detail blew me away. I felt as if I was their. I was disgusted by some of the thigns. His words were like pictures, you could almost see it happening on the screen. Wolf I am an official fan of your writing. Everyone should take the time to read this even if they dont like horrror. Just so they could see how to write a good quality story!
Come find out what all the hype is about.
~The Anthology~

19-Jun-2008 03:38:11 - Last edited on 19-Jun-2008 04:13:40 by A White Wolf

A White Wolf

A White Wolf

Posts: 8,377 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Feedback for The Anthology and The White Wolf:
incredible... Bizzare... awful... amazing... revolting... disturbing. how do these words come together? i just found out.
Theres a word for people who write things like this. but for the sake of my posting privilages, i should probably just call you "Wolfeh".
To write ones feelings is somewhat normal. To write others is extra ordinary. But to write what you have written takes an inhuman knowledge of what others would feel, think, or do in these unnatural situations. You lay a vivid picture of the scene, and paint it with motion.
I recommend you write as many stories as you can in the future so other people can study them and try to learn to be an amazing writer such as yourself.
I'm sorry, but every time i see this on the first page, it sends a tremor up my back. This is the most sick and twisted thing I've seen here. Ever.
Especially "The Return of Zaros"; I made it up to there and stopped. I *don't* plan on finishing on a full stomach, or within the vicinity of my pet kitten.

19-Jun-2008 03:46:58 - Last edited on 02-Dec-2008 01:01:29 by A White Wolf

A White Wolf

A White Wolf

Posts: 8,377 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A bloodcurdling, throat-ripping scream rent the stale air within the tomb, reverberating off of the walls, growing and echoing to fill the entire crypt. The sound of his friend being brutally skinned alive was nearly enough to drive Aymar over the brink of sanity.
The shadows within the tomb, once harmless and merely dark, now swam and twisted, rippled and roiled. More screams began, but they were not screams of pain. They were the screams of infinite torment, of agonizing eternity spent in the depths of Hell. They were the screams of the condemned, millions of the world shrieking in un-ending torment.
Eyes rimmed in white rolled within their sockets madly as Aymar tore out of the antechamber of the crypt. (cen) Ki's screams echoed upon themselves til they seemed inhuman, pain embodied within sound. 'How could this have all gone so wrong?!' Aymar frantically thought to himself, racking sobs heaving his chest, hot tears of blinding fear cascading down his face. Momentarily numb from fear, he thought back to the beginning...

Upon opening the door to the Blue Moon Tavern, a wave of smells crested over him. Typical smells of the somewhat dingy bar but unpleasant nonetheless. Stale beer, stale sweat, a whiff of stale u(c)rine.
'Is anything in this place ever fresh?' Aymar mentally questioned as he purposefully strode into the bar, a man on a mission. Nothing was more important to him after a day of hard work than a nice, hopefully cold, frothy mug of Asgarnian Ale.
"Hit me Rafe!" Aymar yelled, grabbing a stool next to his best mate Hubert.
"Howdy there, Aymar," Hubert said, words already a bit slurred.

19-Jun-2008 03:49:00 - Last edited on 01-Dec-2008 18:51:08 by A White Wolf

A White Wolf

A White Wolf

Posts: 8,377 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aymar just nodded towards Hubert and examined the room nonchalantly while waiting for his drink. Dingy oak-plank floors, Bacco smoke filled air. A few sconces on the walls holding solitary torches threw pale shadows, guttering in the drafts of the poorly ventilated building. It was still a bit early, and the tavern hadn't filled up yet, but a few loyal patrons milled about, chatting amiably about the day's work and the family.
Rafe, the rotund barkeep, slid a filthy glass filled with potent Asgarnian Ale over to Aymar, who, nodding appreciatively, drained the entire mug in a single noisy gulp, finishing with a few lip-smackings. Aymar slid two gold pieces across the counter to Rafe, who stuck them in a pocket of his smeared and stained apron.
"Hey there! Aymar!" a loud voice called from the doorway. Aymar turned and saw another good friend of his, (c) Ki, who was his coworker at the mines. "You have GOT to come see what I found at the mines!" Ki called, nearly sprinting over to where Aymar sat.
"What is it?" Aymar asked, glancing up from his mug. (c) Ki had slicked his dirty blond hair back today, and his dark blue eyes always seemed to be excited or inquisitive about something.
"It''s...unreal!" Ki veritably gushed.
Slightly frustrated by not knowing what it was Ki was so enthused about, and angry he wasn't going to be able to drink the night away at the tavern, Aymar exploded. "What's so durn amazing?!"
Not to be put off by Aymar's anger, (c)Ki cried, "I...I found a TOMB! By the mines! It has all these wierd markings and letters on the inside of the walls, and I saw...I saw..." He leaned over to Aymar's ear and whispered, "Gold...lots...of gold..."
That was all Aymar needed to hear.
"The entrance is over here!" Ki called over his shoulder, pointing off in some direction with his right hand.

19-Jun-2008 03:49:01 - Last edited on 19-Jun-2008 03:51:09 by A White Wolf

A White Wolf

A White Wolf

Posts: 8,377 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"I...*huff* thought said...*puff* it was close to...the mines," Aymar gasped out, unused to climbing the large rocky hills.
(c) Ki didn't hear him though. "There! There it is! See!?" Ki gestured repeatedly towards a small cleft in the side of a large rock outcropping, jagged rocks sticking out from the edges.
(c)"Ki, there's no way I'll fit through there! I'm fat!" Aymar said, gesturing to his muscular, stocky body.
"Just try man! We're gonna be rich! Heeheee!" Ki called, giddy from excitement. "I got through, and I even snagged my hair on the rocks. You got no hair, so you don't have to worry about that, Aymar! Just come on!" Ki called as he started to squeeze through the rather small opening. He soon vanished within the rock.
"Oh whatever..." sighed Aymar and he started pressing himself through the small crack. 'Darn good I'm not claustrophobic,' he thought as the rock squeezed his short body. Popping through the fissure, he heard a tearing sound. Glancing back at the wall behind him, he noticed a long strip of blue cloth hanging on an exposed rock. Glancing down at himself, he saw a similarly shaped hole in his canvas shirt. "Just fantastic..." he muttered to himself as he followed Ki down the hall.
He met up with Ki a little farther down the hall, and in the guttering orange light thrown by the two torches, it was very clear Ki hadn't been lying. Gold glittered on all sides of them.
"Let's split it all evenly, ok Aymar?" Ki giddily called to him, while prodding a gilded sconce on the wall with his finger.
Aymar had different ideas.
A torch swished through the air and collided hard with the base of Ki's skull. "I think...I'd rather have this for myself Ki. No hard feelings mate." Aymar said shakily as Ki's body slumped, unconscious, to the ground.

19-Jun-2008 03:49:01 - Last edited on 20-Jun-2008 22:54:21 by A White Wolf

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