
World 103 POC Community Lore

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[[This thread is for members of our community to read the stories of lore behind what is being done in character and POC-Wise. Please do not post until I give the okay. I am reserving ten pages. We can be found here.
World 103 POC Community

Prelude: That Which Chaos Creates

Kefka rubbed his temples with both of his bony hands. The throbbing pain had returned once more to his skull; a long lasting result of the Battle at Lumbridge between Zamorak and Saradomin. His blood red eyes rolled back into his head a moment before he slammed his fists into the table. He had been muling over old tomes and scrolls for what felt like years. It had in fact only been a few months. The man rose, stretching out as he walked over to the nearest window and let his gaze fall down upon the Moon Clan's city. He had 'borrowed', more like forcibly taken over, the clothing shop across from the bank as his makeshift headquarters. "When I am done finding the key... Oh how I will enjoy watching this entire town burn down to cinders." He muttered lowly, letting out a shallow whooping laugh.

Footsteps echoed up the building as someone rapidly ran up the stairs of the building. A woman, barely midway into her twenties pushing down the hood of her robes. Her eyes were opened wide as she stared at fear in Kefka. While that was a normal response for many who saw him, that was unusal for his apprentice Yuna. She had taken an odd liking to him since Yuna had become inducted into The Arcane Kingdom. "What is it, girl?" He barked, not enjoying being interrupted while he was daydreaming of destruction.

"I..It... It's terrible! We're all going to die!" The girl nearly screamed out, holding out a half soaked parchment of paper; shaking it violently.
Searinox the Darkener
In the pursuit of power, nothing is sacred.

23-Sep-2015 08:28:49 - Last edited on 06-Oct-2015 23:26:32 by Searinox

Dec Member 2021


Posts: 1,576 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Spit it out Yuna. What are you babbling on about?" He groaned, rolling his eyes as he moved over to the girl, snatching the paper out of her trembling hand. His devilish eyes scanned over the paper, reading it twice to be sure what he read was just that.

"Legion of Invasion Ships.
Port Khazard.
Two weeks.
Lunar Island will be under siege.
Prepare your defenses.


Kefka's face twisted as he crumbled the paper, igniting it and letting it turn to ashes in his palm. "Yuna... We must excellerate our time line here my deary. Please inform the garrison attachment to prepare for battle." He nodded firmly to his apprentice, ushering her back down the stairs and returning to his table that was covered in the tomes and scrolls. "Too soon... Vaaris you have come for the altar too soon!" He roared, pushing the table over onto it's side. Old tomes went flying across the room; and scrolls filled the air, slowly tumbling down. "You quest to control magic is slowly starting to interfere with my quest my old friend. For your sake, I do hope you do not interfere personally... Or; well. Heh. heh. heh..." His twisted grin returning to his face as his gaze returned to the charred ashes of the warning note on the ground...
Searinox the Darkener
In the pursuit of power, nothing is sacred.

23-Sep-2015 08:29:03 - Last edited on 23-Sep-2015 08:32:42 by Searinox

Dec Member 2021


Posts: 1,576 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 1: Calm before the Storm

Several days had passed since Kefka had received the warning letter from the spy he had planted in the Kingdom of Ashdale. He knew he would not find the key to completing his underlying mission before Archmage Vaaris and the Imperium arrived on the banks of Lunar Island. Luck had granted Kefka extra time. The sea and winds were calm, slowing the progress of the invasion army. The man found himself wandering down the streets of the small town, muttering to himself; his mind lost in thought. He was donned in his usual garmets; Red and Black robes with a large golden dragons skull mounted on his shoulder. The robes were reinforced with metal plates that often clanged if he moved just right.

"Unlocking forgotten secrets is not a matter to be rushed. One false calculation and this entire island could end up on the bottom of the ocean! Though that would solve my problem of allowing it to fall into Vaaris' control..." He chuckled, shaking his head. "No no no... There has to be another way."

He continued his stroll through the village. Though it was well bordered, everything was constructed of wood. Very easily penetrated by even a mediocre foot soldier. The minimalist views of the Moon Clan once again proved to be troublesome. There was no way to endure a long term assault. No, this would be a swift loss; or victory. In all reality Kefka cared not if his forces won or not. He main and only concern was finding a way to drain the Astral Altar of it's powers. Or at the least preventing it's function from serving Vaaris.

His assistant rounded the corner in front of him, greeting him with the costumed bow and her own smile. "Lord Kefka." He spoke softly. He wore the colors of the Kingdom, blue and white mystical robes. "I have been arranging the detachment as you instructed. The towers and wall lines are thin... I do n-"
Searinox the Darkener
In the pursuit of power, nothing is sacred.

23-Sep-2015 08:29:06 - Last edited on 06-Oct-2015 23:27:05 by Searinox

Dec Member 2021


Posts: 1,576 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Do not worry my apprentice. The men merely have to hold the line while we attend to the Altar. I surmise that Vaaris will focus on taking the town before securing the rest of the Island." Kefka interrupted her. A grin stretched across his face as he reached out, gently brushing his hand across her pale cheek. "We must let them do their job so we can accomplish ours. Power such as this cannot fall into enemy hands."

Yuna nodded to him. "I understand... It's just... They won't be coming back with us, will they?"

"With any luck my dear, We can save some of them." He spoke, his silver tongue twisting around. He had no intention of returning to the men. "Yuna. If we cannot drain the Altar before the war ships arrive...."

"We will destroy it."
Searinox the Darkener
In the pursuit of power, nothing is sacred.

23-Sep-2015 08:29:09 - Last edited on 06-Oct-2015 23:24:38 by Searinox

Dec Member 2021


Posts: 1,576 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 2: Best Laid Plans

There was a dark chill about the air several nights after Kefka had spoken with his apprentice. Kefka did not relish the idea of having destroy the altar with finding a way to drain it's powers. The altar could be rebuilt after all. Vaaris would have the knowledge to so do. Power cannot be destroyed, merely transferred to a new host. Kefka rolled his shoulders as he paced down the wall of the town, his black robes dragging behind him as the golden dragon on his shoulder reflected the lights from the braziers.

Moments later, the sound of rushing water filled the area. Several guardsmen rushed to the wall, looking out over the island towards the coast. The sea water was receding away from the shoreline rapidly. "So it begins..." Kefka muttered, turning around swiftly as he started to make his way back to his office on top of the clothing store.

Four loud crashes filled the air. The invasion lander ships had arrived. These large transports rammed themselves onto the beach. Loud orders filled the air as the commanders barked orders to the troops, ordering the bows to open. Suddenly, the chains that held the bows of the ships upright and in place gave way, causing the front of the ships to slam down forward into the sandy beach. From the belly of each vessel poured forth troops as they charged the beach. The Guard Captain of the village had joined the rest of Kefka's detachment on the walls of the town, ordering a volley of arrows. As the arrows released and shot into the sky, cannon fire broke out from the ships. The first of the cannonballs took out the main gate, splintering it asunder in a violent explosion.

Soon magics joined the longed ranged attacks as the ground troops clashed both inside the gates and outside. The sounds of shields and blades clashing into one another. Vaaris commanded power war magi that twisted the elements. Everything was being deployed by the Imperium to take Lunar Island.
Searinox the Darkener
In the pursuit of power, nothing is sacred.

23-Sep-2015 08:29:13 - Last edited on 14-Oct-2015 09:54:39 by Searinox

Dec Member 2021


Posts: 1,576 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The southern watch tower crumbled, tossing it's bowmen around like rag-dolls as the earth beneath it gave way. Large stalagmites had crisscrossed through it's foundation. Kefka stood at the window, watching the chaos unfold. Yuna stood beside him, hanging her head in dispair. "Should...Shouldn't we be helping them Master?" The girl asked, her voice trembling slightly.

Kefka shook his head, "No. They are doing their part. Is time for for us to do ours. Come my dear. We have an altar to drain." His voice was calm and collected. His eyes widened as his gaze fell upon a large fireball hurdling towards the building. "Time to go my dear." He said quickly, grabbing her arm and pulling her close to him as he waved his hand in front of them, several runes absorbing into one another. The moments dragged on for what felt like minutes until Kefka's teleportation spell finished, leaving behind in his place a cloud of smoke just as the fireball completely destroyed the clothing shop; leaving behind a smoldering crater.

The trip through the abyss took less than a second, leaving Kefka and his apprentice standing beside the Astral Altar. He nodded to Yuna as he released her form his grasp, turning around and glaring at a man standing on the opposite side of the Altar.

"I was wondering when you were going to show up, Kefka." The man grunted from under his hood. It was clear he was a mage, but Yuna did not reconize him.

"Ahh, my dear Vaaris. Shouldn't you be leading the attack like a good leader?" Kefka shot back at him, pushing Yuna behind him. "This fight is beyond you my dear. Join what is left of our forces at the boats and make for Rellekka. You're in charge until I join you." He barked without taking his eyes of Vaaris. She nodded, turning and running down the path.

"So, I see you've finally taken a fancy to someone. You know why I am here Kefka..." Vaaris spoke, his gaze fixed on Kefka. "I cannot allow you to do this... You cannot become a god this way!"
Searinox the Darkener
In the pursuit of power, nothing is sacred.

23-Sep-2015 08:29:16 - Last edited on 14-Oct-2015 10:10:35 by Searinox

Dec Member 2021


Posts: 1,576 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"I will do what I must to protect this world! Look at the havoc already brought upon us by the return of the gods?! We must fight with a stronger fire! The gods do not speak for us!" Kefka roared, flinging his hands forward, shooting out a fire attack at Vaaris.

"There are other ways, We can contain this. DO NOT FORCE MY HAND KEFKA!" Vaaris retorted, deflecting the attack away with his left hand; using his right hand to launch his own icy attack, sending large ice spikes flying towards Kefka.

Kefka brought his hands to his mouth, holding them open like a dragons mouth; breathing fire through them; melting the icy attack. "We can do this for days Vaaris. I am afraid I do not have that long." Kefka chuckled, stomping foot to the ground. Moments later, the grounded trembled violently beneath them.

"I told you I cannot allow you!" Vaaris groaned, slamming his hands together towards Kefka. Between Vaaris' hands he smashed several law runes and air runes. Kefka could feel himself slowly being forcibly pulled into the Abyss.

"This...IS...NOT...OVER...VAAARRRRIIIISSSSSS!" He roared as he resisted the spell. Several gashes tore open across his body as the spell started to tear him apart for several moments before he was forced into the abyss by Vaaris.

"Consider us even... Brother." Vaaris spoke lowly, breathing hard.
Searinox the Darkener
In the pursuit of power, nothing is sacred.

23-Sep-2015 08:29:19 - Last edited on 14-Oct-2015 10:17:47 by Searinox

Dec Member 2021


Posts: 1,576 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 3: Aftermath

Several weeks had passed since the Battle of Lunar Isle. Kefka and his apprentice were travelling back to Zanaris via a dwarven merchant’s cart. The altercation at the Astral Altar had left Kefka unable to reenter the Abyss for teleportation. Bandages were still wrapped around his arms where the cosmic stresses had torn away at his flesh. His mind rolled side to side as it pondered the reason as to why Vaaris had decided to force him away instead of finish the duel. Vaaris wasn’t one to back down as Kefka recalled his past with the Arch Mage. The two had both been a part of the Black Knights in days long past, before Lucien’s coup. In fact the two had one been good friends and allies against Lucien. However after their parting from the Black Knights, the two took different paths. Kefka entered the Abyss, studying the creatures and teleportation magics; While Vaaris left on a pilgrimage across the world.

The dwarfs cart thumbed, crossing over several large rocks that caused it to bounce and shake violently a moment. They had just rounded the last turn of White Wolf Mountain after having spent several days traversing it. Talvery was a welcomed sight to Kefka and his weary companion. The Dwarf trader apologized for the bumpy ride and stopped the cart in front of the Inn.

“Wee bit ‘o a bumppeh ride. But just as I promised, Talvery at least!” The dwarf exclaimed, hopping down from the front of the cart. As he started unloading the cart of trade goods, Kefka tossed him a small pouch of coins, giving him a nod as Yuna sleepily wandered into the Inn. The mage followed in after her, purchasing the two a room for night before starting to arrange transport to Lumbridge. Yuna headed immediately for the room, leaving Kefka behind down stairs with the Barkeep and other patrons.
Searinox the Darkener
In the pursuit of power, nothing is sacred.

23-Sep-2015 08:29:22 - Last edited on 26-Oct-2015 03:14:11 by Searinox

Dec Member 2021


Posts: 1,576 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Inn was quite busy for it being barely midday. Kefka had already managed to arrange transportation to Lumbridge as he sat down at a table near the middle of the large room. He let his ears wander, picking up on several conversations. One about a business man being scammed, another about the battle he had just fought at Lunar Island. However one conversation peaked his interest.

*Aye, I saw it wit me own eyes!” A drunk boasted from a nearby table. “A legion of Black Knights marching on Falador.” His arms flailed around, sending his drink splashing into the air. Kefka rose, moving to stand behind the man.

*What did you say?” He asked, glaring down at the man from above.

“I saids, Falador is about to filled for more black than the Wilderness.” The drunk groaned, peering into his now empty cup.

“And this is now? Recent?”

*Saw them marchin’ on it the day before last.”

Kefka dropped a few coins onto the table before turning to head up stairs. “Enjoy another drink.”

The mage burst into the room he had rented. His apprentice was already passed out on one of the beds. He rushed to her side, and shook her awake. “Yuna, I have a special assignment for you.” He nearly roared as the woman rolled her eyes and barely entered consciousness. She muttered several inaudible words before she snapped to.

“Wh-what?!” He spoke out, startled.

“You must make for Zanaris will all haste and order the army to march to Falador. The city is under siege from the Black Knights. Instruct the men not to take sides, our goal is to keep the citizens and casualties to a minimum.” Kefka ordered, turning to his bunk, pulling out a long engraved sword that he attached to his hip with a belt and sheath. He turned back to Yuna, urging her to hurry.
Searinox the Darkener
In the pursuit of power, nothing is sacred.

23-Sep-2015 08:29:25 - Last edited on 26-Oct-2015 03:13:34 by Searinox

Dec Member 2021


Posts: 1,576 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“The Black Knights would not be attacking Falador so boldly if they did not suspect to obtain either complete victory or something of importance and power. Artifacts of power do not belong in the hands of men. They should be sealed away in our Vaults located throughout the exotic lands we control.” He nodded, referring to the Abyss, and other worldly areas. He flashes his deep, forest green eyes to Yuna once more before he made for the doorway. “Besides, I am rather adept in the area of hand to hand combat. I wasn’t always a magic user.”
Yuna questioned herself a moment. Her master usually had blood red eyes. Ever since his duel at the Altar, they had been this green color. “Master, Y-“She started, but was cut off.
*No time, Make haste my apprentice.” He barked, nearly slamming the door behind him.
Searinox the Darkener
In the pursuit of power, nothing is sacred.

23-Sep-2015 08:29:28 - Last edited on 26-Oct-2015 03:13:52 by Searinox

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