
Drugal Lore Thread (Vampyro)

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Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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Over the course of Vampyro Naktis, you as the RPers will come across flappy birdmen known as Drugal. You some of you already have. But what exactly is a Drugal? What is their culture like, what are their customs? What is their history. This Thread is a short explanation of this.

1) What is a drugal? A drugal is a tall, buff flying avian humanoid. They tower over the races of men and elves, and drow. An adult drugal stands close to 6 foot 5 as a median height. They are characterized as greedy businessmen at heart. As enemies they are fierce opponents, notoriously difficult to hit, but easy to kill when they are. As friends they are loyal. However they are difficult to trust in a business endeavor. If they sense a way to profit off your misfortune they might go that route.

As infants however, Drugal are very fragile-- as all infants are-- In fact for the first five years of their long lives, they are completely blind and reliant on their parents for food. As a result if one drugal parent dies, a friend of that drugal will often take the parent's place in raising the nestling. It is also common to see an entire social circle of drugal raising drugal infants.

Drugal spend their formative years learning how to fly. At age 5, they begin to see. For all drugal, age 5 is a time of wonder, and curiosity. Imagine not being able to see for the first five years of your life and not wanting to see everything. At this stage in their lives, their appetite is voracious, as well, they gobble a meal as if it were their last.

Drugal eat all kinds of food, meats, vegetables, fruit. They were known connoisseurs of all manners of spicy foods, and had a complete monopoly on the spice trade before Sudovia was invaded by the vampires of House Gern. These days, a spicy meal for a drugal is a rare treat.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

20-Dec-2019 02:28:41 - Last edited on 20-Dec-2019 06:38:13 by Pink 4 Twink

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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At age 20, they are fully grown, and start learning how to use weapons. This tradition was originally to teach drugal how to defend themselves from predators back in prehistoric times. It then became a formality, but ended up creating various factions of bandits on the surface, and then with the invasion of Sudovia by vampires, it became a necessity once more. Drugal have the perfect frame and agility to use spears, glaives, daggers, and scythes. They shy away from using bows and arrows, on account that during flight, their arrows might fall out of the quiver. They also use magic, but they prioritize quick spells over complex rituals and spells.

So what did drugal use weapons for prior to the arrival of Clan Gern. Ironically the Drugal were once considered a nuisance at best, and a dire enemy at worst by humans. Drugal reside on a vast fleet of 75,000 airships. Those ships were once theirc cities, which they melted down and repurposed into their fleet when the Vampires on Sanguinos took over their former empire. Yep. Drugal are not native to Sudovia, they've lived of Sudovia for thousands of years however.

In order to keep their fleet in the air, it needs a lot of magical calibration and mainainance work. Which meant that Drugal had to scour the surface for those materials. Enter the poor human caravans who got raided by drugal bandits. Drugal don't have a very good ability to distinguish property, or coin. When a human caravan was spotted, drugal raiders would completely surround the caravans and kill or incapacitate the guards, and take everything from the carts that carried these goods. And I do mean EVERYTHING.

Drugal do not waste anything, they dismantle everything they do need, and don't need but would be nice to have into movable chunks, and fly stuff that up to the Skyherd Fleet-- specifically to which ship needs repairs-- Occasionally all 75,000 ships need repair at once. One such occasion caused Sudovia's Great War--
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

20-Dec-2019 02:56:53 - Last edited on 20-Dec-2019 06:41:00 by Pink 4 Twink

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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At that point with all 75,000 ships, drugal raiders began a 420 day cycle of pillaging, raping, and taking everything they needed from the citizens of Sudovia. Caravans went missing, trade was stalled, shops were vandalized their goods stolen, people were killed and looted, smithies had their entire stock taken. At the end of all this, the Drugal went back to their fleet to do the repair work, unnerved that their leader had likely just pissed off the entirety of Sudovia just to repair the fleet.

War was expected and then declared three days later by King Mateus IV. The result was a war that left Sudovia scorched from energy cannon fire. The war ended in a cease-fire, and then an official treaty. The terms were that the Drugal had to pay for everything they had stolen, and war reparations in the billions of gold pieces. It also saw the end of the tolerance of raiding parties by the drugal. The perpetrators who murdered Sudovians were given to King Mateus as a gesture of peace. It resulted in their brutal executions.

The after result of the war was that the Drugal began taking a neutral stance in all conflicts, including the conflict going on in the RP (although they don't stop drugal mercenaries from helping the surface currently).
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

20-Dec-2019 03:12:48

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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Drugal, because of their propensity for flight, make excellent couriers, combined with their affinity for weapons, they make fairly good mercenaries, and assassins. In fact the term "drugal courier" is slang for "contract killer." They deliver packages-- or death-- to whomever requests it delivered to. They do the delivery of packages cheap, the delivery of fresh death is exorbitantly expensive, and only the very rich of Old Sudovia could have afforded it. In this current day and age, drugal couriers will do anything for money.

2) Alliance with the Elves.

At some point when the Drugal first arrived in Sudovia, they were contacted by the elves. The result of said contact was a mutual agreement. Elf clans have a hard time obtaining goods from humans, today, and back then due to anti-elf racism, and isolation from trade routes. In order to compensate for this isolation, the Elves and Drugal agreed on two terms

1) Drugal can sell their wares to elf tradesmen; be they legitimately bought, or pilfered from humans.

2) Drugal could pick up extra work as proxies for elves who request a certain item bought (or stolen in return for an item of elven make)

Since elves lacked the coin to pay for such wares, the drugal could be paid with an item of elven craftsmanship. Elves may be poor, but they make exceptional craftsmen. Their wares could be sold to humans for fairly high prices.

3) Lifespan

Drugal live really long lives. There are rare drugal individuals who remember what Old Sudovia was like, before the vampiric invasion. Unlike the elves, they are not immortal, Drugal live up to 600 years, but when they are aroung 520, they start to go blind again, this time they don't regain their vision.

4) Anatomy:

Drugal are divided into two genders, male and female. Male drugal are distinguished by a black feather on their head that is much longer than the other feathers. They are broad shouldered.

Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

20-Dec-2019 04:31:15

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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Female drugal are smaller and lither than their male counterparts, they have bigger thigh muscles than males, and their feet are bigger. Their feet also have fierce talons. Male Drugal have talons as well, but on their hands. Female drugal are known to kick enemies, sending their opponent flying. A kick anywhere by a female drugal can be deadly as their talons can tear flesh while doing so. Male drugal don't punch with their fists, they use their talons to scratch, and tear flesh from their enemies.

One may further distinguish male and female by their eyes. Female Drugal have larger eyes, which helps them see better than males. They evolved this trait many hundreds of thousands of years ago to keep an eye out for prey, to keep their offspring safe, and to spot males. A trait evolved to help prevent rape by male drugal
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

20-Dec-2019 04:43:18

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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5) Difficulty with Sudovian speech:

Drugal don't have a good grasp of the Sudovian language. Drugal speak to each other through by cawing at them. In fact speaking any human language causes stress on their throats, which they deal with by cawing, or coughing. In addition, they tend to speak Sudovian incorrectly. You may be saying, can't they learn the language? Well yes, they can and many have. Grammar is a fickle thing, however. And combined with their difficulty in speaking any human language, many simply caw to get attention, or to signal victory to their fellow drugal. There are several reasons for a drugal to caw. The only time they use Sudovian is when they are around non-drugal.

6 Many races of Drugal:

Drugal come in many shapes and sizes. You may find the common drab black crow drugal, or a stunningly colorful one. It depends purely on chance. However, only the crow drugal are seen on the surface foraging for food, or stealing supplies from vampires to keep the fleet functional.

The three most powerful types in terms of hierarchy are Crow, Falcon, and Hawk.
Beneath the Birds of Prey, as I call them are what I refer to as the Songbird Drugal.

An example of a songbird drugal is a robin drugal. Songbird drugal don't actually sing though. They are the merchants of the drugal races. While the Crows steal, the songbirds sell. So what about the other two main types of drugal, the falcons and the hawks?

Many Hawk and Falcon drugal are prideful and consider the surface of Sudovia to be a lost cause; going to the surface for food is extremely dangerous, They believe it is far easier to grow and raise what they need to eat up in the sky to outlast the vampire menace. The crows know better, and so do the hawk and falcon elders. The Drugal need the surface just as much as the surface needs them. The Crows gladly risk their lives on the surface so the Hawks and falcons can eat. It has caused a lot of tension between the three races.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

27-Dec-2019 03:50:56

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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Why you ask? For centuries, the crow drugal were the lowest tier of the three main classes in power, and yet they have been the most useful in the current calamity. This has caused the lower classes to idolize the crows, instead of the hawks and falcons. Being prideful these jealous birds can't stand the thought of the crows outperforming them.

It's not just jealousy. The crows now have the support of the numerous lower classes. If the crows wanted to, they could completely force the hawks and falcons off the fleet if they truly wanted to. I don't know about you, but if I were in a position of power knowing that at any moment I may suddenly be ousted from my position of power by a mob, I'd probably be resentful of the lower classes, and the class in power whose favor they have garnered.

The result of this jealousy and angst is discrimination on all sides from crows, to falcons, to hawks, and even to the songbirds, extreme social tension from said discrimination, and a growing number of drugal who leave the Fleet to go fight on the surface with the humans. They'd rather risk going to the surface to fight the vampires, than risking getting caught in race riots that could cause the Skyherd fleet itself to crash onto the surface, or being murdered. Life on the Skyherd Fleet is far from safe. Murder is as common as the common cold. extortion, grift from the classes in power.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

27-Dec-2019 04:10:09

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

Posts: 4,152 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Drugal vs. Draiygul

Similarly named, similar looking, similar customs, and similar culture--- yet totally different from each other. There are many differences between the two related races of birdmen.

What is a Draiygul?

Draiygul is a collective term for many factions of birdmen,

What races make up the term?

The most obvious real world examples would be aquatic birds like ducks, swans, pelicans, egrets and seagulls; and Songbirds like robins, doves, blackbirds, finches, etc. They are graceful beings yet very savage and brutal ones as well.


What weapons do they use?


They usually prefer ranged weapons such as bows and arrows, but their magic is unparalleled among sky-beings. Though they prefer white magic over dark magic.

Q. How is Draiygul pronounced?



Q. Can a Drugal fuck a Draiygul?

A. (You dirty, dirty boiiii) Yes, but such unions do not produce children. A particularly lecherous drugal male can fly down to the southern islands off Sudovia's coast, hook-up with a Draiygul female and have sex with her. No child would be conceived and the male Drugal could focus on more important things in life such as scavenging for stuff in human lands.

( I can answer any other questions you have, if you want. relating to the topic)
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

23-Apr-2020 04:36:01

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