Suddenly my character started to lie down and cry. I tried to make him snap out of it but it wouldnt stop, the voice over started to get louder as my character was crying. Then the view distance started to get smaller and smaller and close in on my character, then as it closed in on the last square, my character screamed loud! I was so creepied out I quickly turned on my screen camera program to record it. I ended up in Varrock, the music playing was called "Adventure", but it was playing backward. I was too creepied out to keep playing and had to fight the urge to log out, but I needed footage, I walked towards the Varrock Palace but the building wasn't there, it was all just wilderness. I kept walking until I reached a massive wall, I walked back from the dead end then my character feel into a rift in the wilderness. What I saw was very disturbing, there was children all around the character as far as the screen can view. The children had no legs, they all just walked on hands and didnt seem to have a face, as soon as I moved the chatbox said, " They know you're here!" Then every child NPC faced my Avatar, the screen went dark then for a split second I saw the children jump on my character, I could hear a screaming voice over, then another second my character was in pieces and being eaten alive by the child NPCs. The chatbox said, "Oh dear, you're dead". I spawned again but this time I seemed to have spawned in Classic Runescape Lumbridge, everything except my character was RSC graphics, my character was still RS3 graphics. I got pmed by, "???" it said to me, "This is were it all began". Then 5 NPCs named, "Man" attacked me but they didn't look like a typical male adult NPC, they were one legged and 2 lesser demon arms attacking my character. Before I died the "???" thing Pmed me, "Now you know how's it's like Human, us NPCs are as scared of you as you are of us, we are real as yourself!".
27-Dec-2014 08:50:47